John D. Beckett / John DBeckett
Many business books point to certain values or habits to be practiced and cultivated. But we need more than abstract principles to guide us in the pursuit of good business. More significantly, we need a genuine experience of the dynamic presence of God at work in our work. Businessman and CEO John Beckett calls us to the transformation of the workplace into a place where the kingdom of God is experienced. Through sharing his own story, as well as looking to biblical and modern-day examples, Beckett offers role models who serve as companions on the journey to faithful and fruitful work. Drawing on a lifetime of wisdom and business acumen, Beckett invites us to enter into the privilege of working in active partnership with God himself. Join the international movement of those whose faith is transforming their work. Master your Mondays by bringing them under the realm of the Master. ' Mastering Monday couldn’t be more timely. It combines important biblical insights about work with individual testimonies of both success and failure. There are few in America today who can write with more authority and insight on this subject than John.