Derrick Taylor
This book is an intimate look into the life of the author Derrick Taylor and his unfortunate sequence of regrettable decisions made throughout his adolescence, teen, and young adult years. As he looks back on his life as it relates to him maturing and becoming a man he had to reflect and ask some powerful and painful questions in order to learn and leap forward. If you do not have a plan, a vision and value placed on your own life you can never see and honor a future within the union of relationship with another. Similarly to the struggle in the battle of good and evil, Derrick recognized he was fighting himself. He blocked positive energy and continuously fell short of the expectations placed on him. Today he recognizes that he should be further along in all areas of life and is committed to walking the road of redemption. He encourages readers to reflect on their own issues and become better people, specifically he wants men to MAN-UP and be the best they can be.