Mafia Made in Italy

Mafia Made in Italy


10,72 €
IVA incluido
Sarah Westwood
Año de edición:
Corrupción política
10,72 €
IVA incluido
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Imagine a world where power and influence don’t always belong to those sitting in government offices. A world where the true rulers of the streets and cities are people whose names inspire both fear and respect. This is the world of the mafia.Today, we’ll delve into the mafia-not the one depicted in Hollywood films, but the real, formidable individuals and organizations that have evolved over the past two centuries. We’ll explore how Italian immigrants came to dominate America, how Frank Sinatra is connected to the American mafia, and how Prohibition turned gangsters into some of the wealthiest people in the U.S.Who was Al Capone, and why did he become the most infamous mobster? What does 'Cosa Nostra' mean? What made Lucky Luciano so notorious? What is the 'French Connection'? Who controls crime in America and across the globe?These questions, and many more, will be addressed in this book. The mafia is not just a criminal organization; it’s a complex and multifaceted structure that influences politics, economics, and society as a whole. We will dive into the history of the mafia, examine its evolution, and understand how it achieved such power and influence.Join on this fascinating journey into the world of the mafia, where we will uncover the secrets and mysteries hidden behind the curtain of the criminal underworld. Discover the true face of the mafia and learn how it has shaped-and continues to shape-our world.

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