Jellyfish Invasion

Jellyfish Invasion

Francisco Angulo de Lafuente

16,56 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
16,56 €
IVA incluido
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Illustrated NovelThey came without warning - strange jellyfish-like creatures that flooded our oceans and beaches by the millions. At first they seemed a mere curiosity, these alien visitors glowing faintly purple as they pulsed through the waves. Tourists gathered to marvel at their graceful forms, children delighted in their squishy texture. We should have been warier from the start.The first victim was a scuba diver, stung by the tentacles of an unknown species. Within hours a raging fever set in, soon followed by violent delirium. He became the index case of the epidemic as the mysterious neurotoxin spread rapidly from human to human.Chaos erupted within days as the infected hordes - crazed and cannibalistic - overwhelmed authorities. Cities descended into anarchy, society teetered on the brink of collapse. Our leaders responded with lethal force and martial law, to little avail. For the jellyfish were only the heralds of a full-scale invasion from below, one that threatened to wipe humanity from the face of the Earth.With INVADERS, Francisco Angulo has crafted a genuinely frightening and all-too-plausible doomsday scenario, underpinned by rapid-fire action and tantalizing scientific speculation. Part Michael Crichton and part Stephen King, Angulo’s vision of an alien-engineered apocalypse will have you watching the waters with wary eyes long after you’ve turned the final page.I wanted to write a novel in the style of those fantastic stories that appeared in those old American magazines for geeks: Amazing Stories, Science Fiction, Infinity, etc... A novel without pretense, with the sole purpose of entertaining and of course with the idea of having fun during the creative process. With everything going on and all the media talking to us about the crisis, I thought we’d have to have some fun with something, at least for now reading and writing is free...

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