Internal Control in Financial Institutions

Internal Control in Financial Institutions

Nilton Rogério Marcondes

51,37 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Gestión y técnicas de gestión
51,37 €
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Financial institutions operating in Brazil have a clear challenge to face: how to maintain the record profits they have recorded in recent years. Experts say that banks will have to boost their operating profits because they know that they won’t always be able to count on a scenario favored by the rise in the dollar and interest rates. Because they are often responsible for the country’s economic growth, financial institutions are controlled by federal bodies, in Brazil the Central Bank. The Central Bank of Brazil, a federal agency that is part of the National Financial System, was created on December 31, 1964, with the enactment of Law No. 4,595, which provides for monetary, banking and credit policy and institutions. Since financial institutions are so well structured and controlled by external bodies, the following question arises in relation to the internal controls of such companies: are there effective internal controls? Do the managers of these institutions know and practice internal control? This book will reflect a little on these questions.

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