Inicio > Humanidades > Filosofía > ¡Inextinguible!


David Mayorga

18,78 €
IVA incluido
David Mayorga
Año de edición:
18,78 €
IVA incluido
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¡Inextinguible! is a book written for the servant of God who believes in building an intimate life with Jesus Christ and following Him with a true passion. As a result of having an intimate life with God, the servant of God will be filled with God’s fire in His inner man and will walk with the conviction to please God in all things. In this book, the servant of God will also recognize that the fire of God must be kept if he is to burn for the Lord; it is possible to lose what God once gave you. In this writing, the reader will also learn of other servants of God who had fire but lost it. It will teach the servant of God how to recognize the traps and obstacles so that the fire of God within, doesn’t stop burning. Enjoy.

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