Hidden in the Words

Hidden in the Words

Hidden in the Words

John F. Caddy

32,02 €
IVA incluido
AuthorHouse UK
Año de edición:
Prácticas de adivinación
32,02 €
IVA incluido
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This book describes two subjective methods of evaluating what your subconscious actually feels about the words you use in everyday communications, and in spiritual or intellectual activities.The first method demonstrated measures the spacing of your palms in a ’slow clapping’ motion, which follows in response to a question. This technique has been used in the pranic healing school of the Philippines to test the state of energy body components, but can equally well be used to gain a response to mental questions in a form of divination.The second method uses an unusual and ancient form of dowsing, once employed for a variety of purposes in Sardinia. Dowsing seems to date back millenia, to when ancient monuments were sited almost inevitably, above underground water sources. This method counts the number of rotations of a Y-shaped plastic tube (in substitution for the traditional forked hazel twig) you are able to make, in response to questions of the type: ’What is the energy of this (place, word, phrase, name)?’ - your subconscious prevents further rotations occuring beyond the number which corresponds to its energy relative to other words.The book contains an assessment of a large number of commonly used words, phrases, names, and emotions, and evaluates also the energy scores for numbers in common use. Many of these evaluations were carried out by the author, and hence inevitably, are subjective, though the method has been used successfully by others. For example, trials with Swedish subjects are mentioned, that show persons with a modicum of interest and competence in ’energy fields’ are capable of duplicating these results if they are able to extend their auras. What is the connection with the aura? The author’s hypothesis is that both methods are measuring the extension of the aura in response to a question held in mind.The significance of the book then, is that it allows people to assess their reaction to the english language, to persons in the media, and to review excerpts from text files to assess the likely impact they will have on the reader. 3

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