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Great Indian Army Hero Hindi / ग्रेट इंडियन आर्मी हिरो हिंन्दी

Great Indian Army Hero Hindi / ग्रेट इंडियन आर्मी हिरो हिंन्दी

Manoj Dole

19,03 €
IVA incluido
Repro India Limited
Año de edición:
Educación pedagogía
19,03 €
IVA incluido
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The distinguished history of the Indian Army is more than ten thousand years old. The two great epics ’Ramayana’ and ’Mahabharata’ are the basic framework around which the Indian Army is built. The great war ’Mahabharata’ fought in Kurukshetra in north-central India has left an indelible mark on the Indian mind. Eighteen days of relentless fighting in search of peace, various armies of about 400,000 chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers of 18 ’Akshaunis’, ’Seven with the Pandavas’ and ’Eleven with the Kauravas’ at the strength level described in the epic.The biggest binding force unit in the Indian Army is cohesion and tradition. This mix of unit identity and sacrificial heroism that has been going on for centuries is really important. At a point, winning or losing becomes irrelevant. What matters - what unit is it measured in?Have you ever wondered what the life of a soldier is really like? Knight of India A rare insider look at one of the most famous officers of the Indian Army. The book chronicles the anti-death campaigns and the daring surgical strike that won India’s highest military honour. It talks about the intense training soldiers go through to fight, what life is really like on the Line of Control and the lives of the youth who make the ultimate sacrifice for them. Page-turning, thrilling and heart-wrenching, you will get to see the Indian Army and our soldiers up close like never before.

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