Inicio > Humanidades > Historia > Historia militar > Segunda Guerra Mundial > Germanic Waffen SS on the Italian front. The 'Reichsführer' and 'Karstjäger' divisions'
Germanic Waffen SS on the Italian front. The 'Reichsführer' and 'Karstjäger' divisions'

Germanic Waffen SS on the Italian front. The 'Reichsführer' and 'Karstjäger' divisions'

Germanic Waffen SS on the Italian front. The 'Reichsführer' and 'Karstjäger' divisions'

Alberto Peruffo

25,00 €
IVA incluido
Luca Cristini Editore
Año de edición:
Segunda Guerra Mundial
25,00 €
IVA incluido
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The campaign of Italy, during the Second World War, saw several combat formations of the German army, from the Wehrmacht to the Luftwaffe, among these there were also departments of the Waffen SS or SS fighters who flanked departments of the SS of the Waffen SS or SS fighters who flanked departments of the SS Polizei and intelligence services Germanic. In the summer of 1943 the Waffen SS in Italy were present only with the Sturmbrigade “Reichsführer”, located in the garrison of Corsica. The “Reichsführer” will be the only unit of the Waffen SS to fight in Italy until, at the beginning of 1944, it will be joined by the 29th SS division “Italien”, made up of Italian soldiers assisted by German SS officers, to whom added the 24th division SS “Karstjäger”, a mountain unit that will find itself involved in the mountains of Yugoslavia and eastern Italy in the guerrilla war against the partisans. 3

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