From Darkness to Light

From Darkness to Light

From Darkness to Light

Ann Richardson

14,04 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Afirmación personal, motivación y autoestima
14,04 €
IVA incluido
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This book is about coming out of darkness and into the light. Darkness is living in sin, pain, abuse, etc. It can rule your life if you’re not careful. Sin is always hovering over you no matter where you are, or what you’re doing. Darkness can lead down a wide path that leads to destruction. Light is the narrow path that leads to the floodgates of heaven. When you find the light, you’ll find Jesus. The book 'From Darkness to Light,' is a depiction of a young woman’s struggles and tribulations growing up. This book shows how she was able to overcome them through the power of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, Jesus puts you through these things, only to make you a stronger person. He uses us to connect with someone else, and lift them up through any situation they are going throughIn this book, you’ll read about how a family grew up normal, then split apart. No matter if your family is normal growing up or not, there is always a dark side to every family. Everyone, has issues in their families. A lot of families want you to follow in their footsteps, but it’s not always a good thing. What if a family member wanted you to be a drug addict, would you? I sure wouldn’t. In this book, there are a lot of issues being dealt withI believe that everyone, young or old, has gone through a situation that has been embarrassing. Some of you may have friends who have betrayed you at one point or another. Others, might have been abused sexually, mentally, or emotionally. People might not have been there to listen to you either. How does that make you feel? Do you have insecurities? The person in this book had a lot of insecurities. She was molested repeatedly, mentally abused, never listened to, etc. There were a lot of hardships in her life. She would start to date men half her age, just to feel loved. At least that is what she thought it was. Being stubborn was a major thing that she developed along the way. When she met her husband, she had a hard time moving from her apartment into another place where they picked out together. Why? It was all because of the insecurities. Working two jobs, and going to college was a lot of work, so her fiancé got her to quit a job. She also dropped out of college. Some might say that she dropped out because of her fiancé, but the truth was that she didn’t know what kind of career she wanted. Having children was great, because she was able to turn her generation around and raise her children in the way of the Lord. Our Savior, carried them through hard times, including the rough pregnancy’s they had. Jesus was with them always, and he will be with you always too. Give him a chance and you will see how wonderful your life will be. Jesus will change your life forever, as long as you let Him.

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