Everything in Excess Is Good

Everything in Excess Is Good

Diego Segura

10,80 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
10,80 €
IVA incluido
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Based on his personal experience and the knowledge he has acquired on his journey as an entrepreneur, Diego Segura tells us how to focus on the excess in people’s lives and transform it into a propellant to generate good habits and achieve abundance in various areas (emotional, economic, professional, family...). In these pages, the author invites us to take a twist on the statement 'Nothing in excess is good' and choose, instead, those positive excesses that will strengthen our goals and lead us towards a life of intensity based on good habits practiced in excess. From the first pages, Segura engages the reader in a journey of self-awareness and self-reflection; through the five chapters that make up the book ('Do I have intelligence or stupidity?', 'Know yourself', 'Do you live or survive?', 'Dreams, wishes, and goals', and 'Focus your excess'), the reader will pose and answer questions to get to know themselves better, and thus be able to define their purposes and focus their excess. Under the philosophy that when you give selflessly and generously, sooner or later this is rewarded in abundance, Diego Segura decides to publish 'Everything in excess is good' so that it is freely accessible to anyone interested in reading it.

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