Dark Psychology

Dark Psychology

Dark Psychology

J.P. Edwin

11,26 €
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High Frequency LLC
Año de edición:
11,26 €
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Throughout our daily life, manipulation has always been received by pure disgust, utter contempt, and forgotten hatred. By both the public and the individuals who have had it utilized on them. Anybody who isn't fluent in picking up vocal and body language will always be the main target for manipulation. These reactions are rightfully warranted and people who abuse such a thing should be disregarded. However, In the words of Sun Tzu, 'To know your enemy, you must become your enemy'. Your manipulator will always have a hard time getting control of you if you can spot them out quickly. This book will enhance your keen mind with the ability to not only spot these kinds of behaviors, but also see who are most susceptible to enact on them and how to do them yourself.This includes what manipulation is backed with factual evidence and scenarios; the various forms of manipulation and how use counter-tactics against them; the types of people who could potentially have serious mental problems, such as narcissists and borderlines, associated with these behaviors; how far successful manipulation can take you and the great leaders who utilized it; how manipulation is used by salespeople; Why do people manipulate others? Cited by the words of renowned psychologist Carl Jung 'the ability or the want to manipulate can sometimes stem either from the dissonance of what ego wants and what the self needs, or from what the shadow dictates to feed its unsensational hunger'.  This book will help you engage in most activities with manipulative people, to the point where they may not notice you're playing them at the same game. in a way that can help you avoid damage accrued by them. Most of the tactics focused on here have to do with identifying manipulative tactics. See knowledge is power and in you learning what manipulative behavior looks like and how it functions. You are better prepared and suited to defend yourself against it, while also learning how some manipulative tactics can be used in an ethical way that will benefit you and could also hold the potential to benefit many other individuals.

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