

Luan Ferr

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Over the millennia, the mysteries of Kabbalah have attracted scholars, mystics and seekers of spiritual truth. At the heart of this esoteric tradition are the heavenly forces, which can be conjured up to act on various fronts. Learn about the mysteries of the Kabbalistic angels and their roles as celestial forces, each associated with one of the sefirot of the Tree of Life. Offering a practical guide, the book teaches how to invoke these powerful beings and use their powers to transform various areas of life. Through precise rituals and conjuration techniques, the reader can access the divine forces, directing them to protect, guide and bring balance. Each Kabbalistic angel has a specific function, from protection to spiritual empowerment. The book details how to use these powers for your own benefit, whether to achieve spiritual growth or obtain help. With a practical and in-depth approach, this guide is indispensable for those who wish to work with celestial energies and divine forces safely and effectively.As well as offering a theoretical overview of the function and attributes of the Kabbalistic angels, the book guides the reader through practical conjuration rituals. Each angel has a specific role - be it for protection, wisdom or spiritual empowerment - and this book teaches how to summon their energies to achieve tangible benefits in life. By performing the rituals correctly, the reader will be able to unlock the power of these celestial forces, directing them towards protection, spiritual growth and personal achievement.With a practical and clear approach, this book reveals the mechanisms that allow the Kabbalistic angels to interact with the earthly world and how we can use them to transform our reality. An essential resource for any spiritual practitioner or student of Kabbalah, it teaches how to access divine forces and apply them safely and effectively.

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