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Come Away My Beloved!  Keys to Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with God

Come Away My Beloved! Keys to Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with God

David Mayorga

14,45 €
IVA incluido
David Mayorga
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu
14,45 €
IVA incluido
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As the believer walks with God, too often, due to neglect in spiritual exercises, the fire of God in the believer becomes stagnant, lukewarm, indifferent, and/or spiritually cold altogether.  Obviously, this is not God’s will for any believer!  A life of mediocrity in spiritual matters only spells trouble for any servant of God.  This is something any believer should not be known for.  If you sense that the fire of God is running low or has gone out completely; if you feel that your spiritual life and commitment to Christ has waned down; this book will bring you to a place where you can evaluate your spiritual life.  In this book, Come Away My Beloved! Keys to Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with God, David Mayorga, challenges the reader to evaluate and make necessary changes, changes in attitude, in habits, in disciplines, etc.  The fire of God only ceases because of neglect - nothing else!   If you are that hungry for God; and know that you need to get in touch with heaven desperately; this book is what you need to be reading currently!  Enjoy the journey as you are being transformed by His Spirit!  

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