Choose Only Love

Choose Only Love

Sebastián Blaksley

14,77 €
IVA incluido
Take Heart Publications
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización
14,77 €
IVA incluido
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Let yourself be carried on the wings of love. Surrendering to love isboth necessary and beautiful. To let yourself be loved means to trustwithout reservation that love will do with you what you most long for.Your soul has already moved towards union with the heart of God.Now it recognizes that it was created to be loved and for nothing else.Therefore let love fill you fully and do what it knows how to do. Enjoybeing carried on the shoulders of love.Invisible realms of Angels became visible to Sebastián Blaksley in anextraordinary series of 144 visitations overseen by Archangels Raphaeland Gabriel. They asked him to take down their messages, includingmessages from Jesus and Mother Mary. Choose Only Love is the result.Hearing this truth, like hearing a song once loved but forgotten, rekindlesa relationship with your true self that is direct, personal, and magnificent.Choose Only Love ushers in a conscious return to your First Love.

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