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Children’s Bible Quizzing Ministry - Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

Children’s Bible Quizzing Ministry - Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

Pamela Vargas Castillo

15,55 €
IVA incluido
Nazarene Global Publications
Año de edición:
15,55 €
IVA incluido
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Welcome to the Bible Studies for Children series that celebrates genuine discipleship through God’s transforming Word! These studies help children, ages 6 through 12, to gain a practical understanding of the Bible. Through this series, the children view the story of God through the lives of real people and historical events. They see God’s love revealed through words, actions, and miracles. They learn how God works through ordinary people, and they discover their place in God’s plan to redeem the world. Each lesson includes the Bible context, content and review activities. In addition, the lesson provides the teacher with discussion questions and review questions.In addition to the Bible Studies, this book includes two types of Bible Quizzing. Children’s Bible Quizzing Ministry - Activities, known by its acronym as CBQM, was derived from the need to deepen and energize the Bible study for children. It is considered a powerful and effective tool for evangelism and children’s discipleship in local churches .Starting from the playful principle (learning by playing), CBQM - Activities consists of a series of games divided into the categories of memorization, reflection, arts and crafts, acting and music. (This is different than the traditional style of Children’s Bible Quizzing using questions and answers.) Each of the games is related to, or has been adapted to, the subject of study. Each local church forms a team with 10 members between 7 and 11 years old. (They can be under 7 years old, but it is recommended that they be children who already know how to read and write.) This team will be prepared by a coach throughout the year. Thehead of the district Children’s Ministries plans a demonstration (competition) in which each team demonstrates what they have learned from the Bible through the games that they participate in. The team that demonstrates greater preparation, by accumulating points, will represent their district in a national demonstration. However, it should be clear that the goal is to learn the Word of God, not to compete. We trust that this attractive and experiential teaching will allow children to treasure the Word of God in their hearts and that 'they will not depart from the right path' even if they leave childhood behind.Children’s Question Based Bible Quizzing Ministry - Each church and each childdecides whether to participate in a series of competitive events. Quizzing events follow the rules outlined in this book. Children do not compete against each other to determine a single winner. Churches do not compete against each other to determine a winner.The purpose of Quizzing is to help the children to determine what they learned about the Bible, to enjoy the competitive events, and to grow in the ability to display Christian attitudes and Christian behaviors during competitive events. In Quizzing, each child challenges himself or herself to attain an award level. In this approach, children quiz against a base of knowledge, not against each other. Quizzing uses a multiple-choice approach that allows every child to answer every question. Multiple choice questions offer several answers, and the child chooses the correct one. This approach makes it possible for every child to be a winner.

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