



20,22 €
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Luyi Publishing
Año de edición:
Ficción moderna y contemporánea
20,22 €
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註册護士崔媛媛與耳鼻咽喉科主治醫師鄭之龍二見鍾情,婚後才知老公是雙面人,既是仁心仁術的醫生,也是家暴者。汪致遠是國內來的住院醫生,他同情崔媛媛的遭遇,並進一步由憐生愛。由於面對的是一個狡猾的枕邊人,崔媛媛不願拖汪醫生下水,轉而向年近古稀的富豪方淮安求助,但天下没有免費的午餐,崔媛媛得付出什麼代價?她和汪致遠又能否'有情人終成眷屬'?這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第七部,故事講述女性復仇的故事,在壓抑的氣氛中逐漸露出曙光......Nurse Cui Yuanyuan fell in love with, Dr Zheng Zhilong. But after marriage, she learned that her husband had a split personality: on the one hand, a benevolent doctor and, on the other, an abusive husband.  Dr Wang Zhiyuan, from China, sympathizes with Yuanyuan and has feelings for her; yet both are unwilling to confront Dr Zheng. Instead, Yuanyuan turns to a wealthy patient Fang Huai’an for help. However, Fang’s help has a price. Will she and Dr Wang finally be together? This is the seventh book in the series of exotic romance novels by B Du. The story is about female revenge.  3

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