British tank Crusader

British tank Crusader

Luca Stefano Cristini

26,96 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
26,96 €
IVA incluido
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The Crusader tank-tank (Mk.I, Mk.II and Mk.III) was perhaps the most typical and well-known military vehicle employed by Britain during the Second World War. Armed with a 57mm cannon, it was equipped with a very powerful and reliable engine, well combined with the Christie suspension, which allowed for higher speeds, also thanks to its low weight (which was at the expense of protection) especially on flat terrain such as the North African landscape. The Crusader Mk.III was the most produced fighter and by 1939, 65 examples had already been built for successful combat in North Africa, in the early part of the Libyan War.

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