Blind Vision

Blind Vision

Lurembergue Pereira

79,25 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Teoría psicoanalítica (psicología freudiana)
79,25 €
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Book based on concepts of psychoanalytic theory and academic research; reference to neuroplastic precepts for performance gains in activities related to literature, arts, foreign language, music and sports; special attention to methodological reductionism, the master principle that starts from simple constructions to reach more complex compositions. Openness in the scope of observation for several areas of knowledge.Author’s note: 'This work approaches entertainment, as it develops a light narrative to explain complex concepts of psychoanalytic research, in an extremely original and fluid way. Readers will learn about the academic thesis I developed while still a master’s student in psychoanalysis at the French Paul Valery University, which brings the potentialities of the disabled to the center of the debate. Could it be that, like people with physical restrictions, we all possess a great unknown capacity?'

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