Beat Anxiety & Panic Attacks (2 in 1)

Beat Anxiety & Panic Attacks (2 in 1)


14,88 €
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Devon House Press LTD
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14,88 €
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If You Want To Discover How To Overcome Your Anxiety, Beat Panic Attacks Once And For All & Feel Confident In Social Situations Without Any Pills Or Pharmaceuticals Then Keep Reading...Do you often feel so anxious you don’t even want to leave your house?Do you regularly suffer from panic attacks due to your intense anxiety?Do you tend to struggle in social situations & often find reasons to avoid & escape socializing?All of us have felt anxious at different times in our lives.Whether it was before our driving test, the day of an exam, or before a significant life event.However, for some people, these feelings of anxiety can become a mental disorder. Whether it be General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobias, or any other kind of anxiety.But, the good news is, even if you’re suffering from chronic anxiety, you don’t have to live with it forever.In fact, with the right step-by-step plan, you could learn to not only significantly reduce the impact your anxiety disorder has on your life but potentially overcome it all together and live the life of happiness & inner peace you deserve.What I can promise you, is with the right guidance, the right daily practices & the right help, it DOES get better, and you CAN be happy!Here’s a tiny preview of what’s inside...The BEST 10 Minute Daily Practice To Rapidly Reduce Your Anxiety At The Start Of EVERY Day!The Almost Unknown Healing Power Of Breathwork And Cold Therapy For Obliterating Your Anxiety (And It’s 100% FREE!)Why Your Diet & Lifestyle Plays A Critical Role In Your Journey Of Overcoming Your Anxiety DisorderWhat ’Spiritual Greats’ Like The Buddha Can Teach You About Healing Your Anxiety (Without Having To Be Religious Or Spiritual, If You Don’t Want To Be!)How Truly Accepting Your Anxious Thoughts & Emotions Can Actually Help You Deal With Them Much More Effectively (True Acceptance Is Different To What You Think)How You Can Get Back To Enjoying Your Life & What Really Matters To You Without Anxiety Always Getting In The Way7 Simple Tips To Reduce Your Anxiety Whenever It Flares Up, No Matter Where You AreThe Wildly Effective, Yet Surprisingly Simple, Method For Stopping Panic Attacks In Their Traps (And 5 Ways To Reduce Their Frequency!)The 3 Biggest Myths About AnxietyLong-Term Strategies To Help You Reduce & Overcome Your Anxiety Once And For All, NOT Just For A Few WeeksWhy Our Natural State Is Peace & Happiness, Despite The Majority Of Us Drifting SO Far From It, AND How To Get More In Touch With Your Natural Being!How To Find A Therapist Best Suited To Your Needs & One That Will Actually Help You! (If You Need One, Of Course!)The 1 Life-Changing Piece Of Advice To Help Make Your New Anxiety-Free Lifestyle Stick, And What To Do When The Anxiety Comes Back...And SO Much More!And that’s precisely why this book is made to be as practical as possible!So, If You Want An Easy To Follow Roadmap, Full of Practices To Help You Finally Overcome Your Anxiety The Natural Way, Then Scroll Up And Click 'Add To Cart.' 3

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