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Astropsychology of Human Birthdates, Social Metaphysics of Frustrations and Blood Groups

Astropsychology of Human Birthdates, Social Metaphysics of Frustrations and Blood Groups

Astropsychology of Human Birthdates, Social Metaphysics of Frustrations and Blood Groups

Andrei Popescu

26,31 €
IVA incluido
AuthorHouse UK
Año de edición:
26,31 €
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The human being and personality have captured many scholar and scientific minds of philosophy, psychology, sociology, medicine, and even astrology.There is a close connection between the blood groups and human personality. The same connection can be noticed between the blood groups, birthdates and astrological signs of the zodiac or groups of astrological signs.The specialists mention three components of the frustration process: the cause or frustrating situation, the psychical state of frustration and characteristic behavioral reactions (responses) which can also be connected with blood groups and the signs of the zodiac. 3

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