Artificial Intelligence, relation with the nervous system vertebrate

Artificial Intelligence, relation with the nervous system vertebrate

Jose O’Daly

60,52 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
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60,52 €
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines different to the intelligence of humans, studied in computer science used in industry, government, and general science. The Antikythera mechanism is the earliest mechanical analog computer to calculate astronomical positions dated 100 years BC. The planisphere was a star chart in the early 11th century. The astrolabe was invented in the Hellenistic world in 1st or 2nd centuries BC attributed to Hipparchus. Models built on machine learning algorithms have accuracies over 90% in distinguishing between spam and legitimate emails. AI translates spoken language, textual content and in facial recognition systems, with a 99% accuracy rate. AI in cyber security includes network protection, intrusion detection systems by searching previously identified threats. Algorithmic trading uses systems to make trading decisions at speeds greater than any human making millions of trades in a day without human intervention.

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