Catálogo de libros: Ficción: características especiales

12926 Catálogo de libros: Ficción: características especiales

Libros Eliminar filtro Ficción y temas afines Eliminar filtro Ficción: características especiales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Loser Fandango and other tales of Americana
    J M Unrue
    Everyone has a storyEveryone has secrets A cancer patient’s stream of consciousnessA teenager’s coming of age with a mysterious girlA veteran’s Korean War reminiscences A baseball scout’s encounter with a legendary creature in 1940’s AlabamaAn Alzheimer’s patient’s last days of clarity ...

    15,09 €

  • Melting the Ice Between us
    J.M. Jackie
    Kieran Hunter:High school reunions? Yeah, they’re about as enjoyable as a root canal. This one’s no exception. Flashbacks of those bullies, those epic wedgies, they all flood back as I step into this vortex of nostalgia-gone-wrong. Look at them now, the once-mighty jocks and cheerleaders turned into potato sacks with legs. Schadenfreude much? Don’t mind me, I’m just here for th...

    12,97 €

  • Dingen die je Niet Moet Doen als je Schrijver Wilt Worden
    Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    Beste lezers, welkom achter de schermen van het schrijven!Als aspirant-schrijvers zullen jullie in deze pagina’s veel van de paradoxale en humoristische situaties herkennen die jullie zelf ook hebben meegemaakt. Als jullie daarentegen gewoon van boeken houden, wacht jullie veel plezier terwijl je je onderdompelt in de kronkels van deze vreemde en fascinerende wereld.In elk van ...

    13,12 €

  • The Griffin Brain
    James Russell
    Despite the fact that eleven very various deaths are recounted in these four stories (plus an ineffective attempt at mass murder), it is the variety of lives and voices that this collection celebrates. As John Kerrigan wrote of Russell’s first collection of poems, 'I find an exciting range of structures in the collection, always reaching out for a scale that can catch the ampli...

    13,85 €

  • The Dark Below the Ice
    Kenton J Moore
    Everyone is afraid of something.Canadian Author Kenton J Moore learned to face his fears through story at a young age, and The Dark Below the Ice: And Other Stories collects twelve of these short stories written over the course of his life.Meet Death in the woods with a hunter and his dog in The Touch of Shadow, and experience the shock of waking up alone on a naval warship in ...

    10,23 €

  • Granny Mac and other stories
    Pieter Woittiez
    What happens when Granny Mac decides to take things into her own hands and chop a tree branch obscuring her view? Why is there a secret research centre somewhere in the Pacific Ocean? Who are the ratty stampers on the road to a motel on a Greek island? How does Wally get into Heaven and turn things upside down?Join the author on a journey through six tantalising tales that will...

    21,77 €

  • A cuadros
    Miguel Hernández García
    Dieciséis pilotos participantes en un campeonato de motociclismo comparten en estos relatos sus dudas, miedos, frustraciones, esperanzas Aspectos cotidianos como el enamoramiento, el miedo al fracaso, la rivalidad entre hermanos o el suicidio se mezclan con las particularidades del ecosistema profesional de estos deportistas. ...

    10,00 €

  • Retratos de otra mirada
    Teresa Carrillo García
    Retratos de otra mirada es un recorrido de 17 relatos que permiten introducir desde la otredad diferentes perspectivas en primera persona.Inicia con «El viaje de regreso» para recorrer las experiencias basadas en hechos reales de mujeres de diferentes partes del mundo. Después, anuncia algunas de las barreras simbólicas y sociales que permean nuestros tiempos a través de «Front...

    12,00 €

  • Crois En Tes Reves Tu Es Extraordinaire
    Découvrez un monde d’aventures et d’inspiration avec notre nouveau livre pour enfants, 'Crois En tes Reves Tu Es Extraordinaire'. Ce recueil de contes enchanteurs offre à vos enfants une série d’histoires inspirantes, conçues pour éveiller leur imagination et nourrir leur curiosité.Chaque histoire est soigneusement écrite pour transmettre des valeurs importantes telles que la p...

    10,58 €

  • Rutas de sueños
    Bernardo José Rivero Ramos
    En este libro se despliega el carácter polifacético del narrador Bernardo José Rivero Ramos, desde el cuento romántico en el relato de una pareja de jóvenes enamorados que deciden consumar el amor bajo las cobijas de la nieve en Noruega, muy lejos de donde comenzó a nacerles ese sentimiento; pasando por el anaquel donde reposan guardados los más gratos recuerdos del amor de un ...

    5,45 €

  • El Quemadero
    Rocío Silva Santisteban
    El Quemadero. Cuentos reunidos nos invita a explorar el intrigante universo narrativo de Rocío Silva Santisteban, una autora que ha recorrido con destreza diversos caminos en la escritura. A lo largo de su carrera, con una destacada obra poética, investigaciones profundas, crónicas reveladoras y agudos artículos de opinión, ha dejado una huella imborrable en la literatura. Adem...

    18,72 €

  • John the Balladeer
    Manly Wade Wellman
    In John the Balladeer, Manly Wade Wellman created one of the great characters in all of horror and fantasy literature. Armed with his silver-stringed guitar and an endless trove of folk songs, John travels the backwoods of Appalachia, battling supernatural evil with his own brand of down-home charm and endless resourcefulness. In these tales, John wanders the Southern mountains...

    43,39 €

  • John the Balladeer
    Manly Wade Wellman
    In John the Balladeer, Manly Wade Wellman created one of the great characters in all of horror and fantasy literature. Armed with his silver-stringed guitar and an endless trove of folk songs, John travels the backwoods of Appalachia, battling supernatural evil with his own brand of down-home charm and endless resourcefulness. In these tales, John wanders the Southern mountains...

    25,10 €

  • Orchard of the Dead and Other Macabre Tales
    Stefan Grabinski / Anthony Sciscione
    A new collection of original translations by a legendary writer of weird fiction often compared to Poe and LovecraftIn ’At Sarah’s House’, a man watches his friend wasting away before his eyes under the spell of a beautiful but deadly woman. In ’Burning Ground’, a man defies local superstition with terrible consequences when he decides to build a home on a site where every prev...

    25,40 €

  • The Healing Book
    Dustin Grinnell
    A beautiful and uplifting short story collection featuring thirteen unique journeys of self-discovery and healing.The Healing Book is a collection of short stories about characters searching for meaning as they navigate the complexities and absurdities of modern life.In 'Beyond Medicine,' a neurosurgeon travels to Peru hoping an ayahuasca healing ceremony will cure her depressi...

    40,58 €

  • The Healing Book
    Dustin Grinnell
    A beautiful and uplifting short story collection featuring thirteen unique journeys of self-discovery and healing.The Healing Book is a collection of short stories about characters searching for meaning as they navigate the complexities and absurdities of modern life.In 'Beyond Medicine,' a neurosurgeon travels to Peru hoping an ayahuasca healing ceremony will cure her depressi...

    30,41 €

  • The L. M. Montgomery Christmas Collection
    L. M. Montgomery
    What if you could find your way back to Anne’s world ... for Christmas? If you grew up loving the Anne of Green Gables books, then this Christmas, why not travel back to Anne’s time? A simpler time when neighbors looked out for one another, when families gathered often, when a house was indeed a home. Meet kindred spirits on a journey to find the true meaning of Christmas.Speci...

    23,81 €

  • The L. M. Montgomery Christmas Collection
    L. M. Montgomery
    What if you could find your way back to Anne’s world ... for Christmas? If you grew up loving the Anne of Green Gables books, then this Christmas, why not travel back to Anne’s time? A simpler time when neighbors looked out for one another, when families gathered often, when a house was indeed a home. Meet kindred spirits on a journey to find the true meaning of Christmas.Speci...

    36,40 €

  • Patagonia Tales
    Jorge Piccini
    'Patagonia Tales: Messages to the Rural Dwellers,' edited by Jorge Piccini, embarks on a captivating literary journey, seamlessly weaving together the enchanting culture and traditions of Patagonia with the boundless creativity of its contributing authors and illustrators. This anthology serves as a collection of stories, each offering a unique window into the rural life, featu...

    20,38 €

  • The Further Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
    Caiden Cooper Myles
    'My dear Watson. I do not think I am flattering myself when I say that 221B is well-understood in criminal circles.' Within this volume you will find a collection of previously unpublished accounts by John H. Watson, M.D. that take Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson from London into the home counties and the south coast in the pursuit of villains and justice.Why is a banker’s daugh...

    18,46 €

  • Cherished by the Mountain Man
    Sadie King
    She’s my best friend’s widow and the only woman I’ve ever loved...Paul was my best friend, my brother in arms, and the only one of us that didn’t come back alive.I promised if something ever happened to him that I’d look after Angie, his wife.He doesn’t know that I’ve loved Angie for almost as long as he has.Now she’s a single mom and running a business on her own. I sense her ...

    10,88 €

  • Stars, Specters, and Super-Powers
    Christina Lea
    Stars, Specters, and Super-Powers includes the following short stories:The Black Sphinx of Dover: An encounter at a sci-fi convention after-party changes everything for two newcomers. The protagonist’s hazy memories of a disturbing incident haunt her until she returns to find out what really happened.Starshadows in Sideways Time: In the far future, a space ark fleeing the dying...

    14,33 €

  • Songs on the Water
    Jackson Culpepper
    Hard-living tricksters, backwoods queers, and vengeful scoundrels collide with Southern-gothic history, religion, and apocalypse, pushing the boundaries of time-tested traditions in Songs on the Water, a story collection set in south Georgia. From teenagers swiping moonshine and trespassing in the swamp despite its dangers, to desperate linemen facing both their jobs and existe...

    14,44 €

  • Baseball Dreams and Bikers
    Douglas Robbins
    "Baseball Dreams and Bikers" is a compelling collection of short stories that delves into the intricate lives of individuals entangled in the realm of dreams, family, and unforeseen circumstances. In "Someone Anonymous," the search for a missing piece of oneself takes center stage. As readers ponder whether they should be living a different life and if there is an untapped vers...

    14,07 €

  • Fox Wedding and Other Tales
    Judy Peters
    An suburban ghost story with foxes; an alternative account of Ned Kelly’s last stand, with robots; what might have happened on Jane Eyre’s wedding night, but probably didn’t; a young adoptee learns her place in her new home, which turns out to be at the bottom of her garden; an alternative history of Tasmania including an epidemic which was written before COVID; a tribute to on...

    11,07 €

  • دموع الألوفيرا
    مرفت يس
    تعتبر مجموعة القصص 'دموع الألوفيرا' للكاتبة مرفت يس من الأعمال الأدبية المميزة والتي تأخذ القارئ في رحلة مشوقة ومثيرة عبر عوالم مختلفة. إنها مجموعة قصصية تتألف من مجموعة من الحكايات المثيرة والملهمة.تمزج مرفت يس ببراعة بين الواقع والخيال في هذه المجموعة، حيث تقدم لنا قصصًا تأسر القلب وتستحث العقل على التفكير. تعيش الشخصيات الرئيسية في هذه القصص تجارب حياتية مليئة بالتحديات وال...

    12,88 €

  • Zivot s voluharicama
    Snjezana Bilic
    ENAbout a hundred short stories in Croatian about the surreal world of voles and the other phantasmagorical creatures that create a strange, fairy-tale and utopian world. In an allegorical, witty and often ironic way, it reviews our contemporary urban life, human destinies and errors. It was written with minimalist precision, almost sketch-like, with a dynamic alternation of ev...

    18,96 €

  • Historias de la Depresión Momposina
    Edward Torres Ruidiaz
    Aún adolescente intentaba el oficio de escribir, y Erasmo, mi tío paisa, me insistía en que optase por temas menos complicados que las intrigas de militares que me había dejado la reciente lectura de El otoño del patriarca. «Escribí sobre lo que conocés», me insistía cuando escuchaba en la mesa mis interminables anécdotas de la casa de mis abuelos en San Roque. Pero una cosa er...

    9,07 €

  • Vinstories Volume 1
    V P Ciambriello
    Even the Orchestra plays. A story about a triangle player who is important not for his musician skills but his skills in taking the physical hurt away from his fellow orchestra members.First Kill. A recent high school dropout, Donovan Muglia, is given an opportunity to be an enforcer for a group of three would-be mobsters as he sits in a small neighborhood park, fuming.Half-day...

    10,22 €

  • Dog Moves in a Mysterious Way
    Rob Badcock
    Unlock the cage on this quirky collection of darkly comedic short stories and its curious cast of characters will take you to a place where reality blurs with fantasy and fear:A man stands crying in a room full of bodies trapped in their final, tortured death throes.On his very first scout camp, a tenderfoot is pitched into an alien world where a monster dog roams.The hushed sa...

    11,10 €