Catálogo de libros: Ficción: características especiales

12950 Catálogo de libros: Ficción: características especiales

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  • Lekhak ki Premika
    Mohan Lal ’Dheeraj’ Mishra
    ’लेखक की प्रेमिका’ एक उपन्यासिका है, जिसके माध्यम से रचनाकार युद्ध की विभीषिका से विश्व को बचाने का संदेश दिया है। अणु आयुधों और प्राकृतिक जगत के क्षरण के कारण आज विश्व पर ही नहीं, मनुष्य के अस्तित्व पर संकट है। क्या इससे बचा जा सकता है। पौराणिक प्रतीकों को नया नाम और नया सन्दर्भ देकर, लेखक ने अतीत को वर्तमान में प्रस्तुत किया है। कहानी छोटी है पर उसमें अनेक उपोद्घात और मोड़ ह...

    10,68 €

  • Un amor feroz
    Elsa Tablac
    Lo llaman el Lobo de Baltimore. El millonario Logan Wolf se mueve por la noche de Manhattan atento a su próxima presa, guardando su corazón como oro en paño. Hasta que conoce a Faith Bell. Faith es una estrella del pop atípica. A pesar de ser tan famosa, nadie sabe demasiado sobre ella. Juega a ser enigmática, a las apariciones esporádicas, a no actualizar demasiado sus redes s...

    12,93 €

  • The Dark Side of Light
    Kenny Emmanuel
    Survivors of a post-apocalyptic-level event seek revenge on those responsible for the barren wastelands they once called home. Violet and her Tactically Enhanced Space-Combat Light Armor, Solaris, are adrift in space. After his mother’s death, Lucien stands against the most powerful Order to clear his name.Seraphine isn’t spliced, a popular trend among her peers that alters the...

    22,16 €

  • The King of the Undead
    Corinne M Knight / Corinne M. Knight
    Vlad accompanied by siblings Lucien and Alessandra embark on a dangerous journey to the infamous Roslyn Academy, the Order’s crown jewel.As he ventures further into the unknown, hidden feelings of attraction towards the beautiful Alessandra make Vlad question his sanity and his choices. But there is no time to dwell on these emotions-the Order has launched a large-scale superna...

    7,85 €

  • Short Stories by Philip K. Dick
    Philip K Dick
    Set in the future or in an imaginary present, on Terra or on distant planets, this collection of classic short stories is about war, aliens, governments, space and time travel, reality and the imagination, industrialization, human ambition and intelligent robots. From moral dilemmas in 'Beyond Lies the Wub' to mysterious investigations in 'Piper in the Woods' and post-apocalypt...

    16,47 €

  • Stardust Serenede
    Saraswata Bhattacharya
    I’m Saraswata Bhattacharya from Kolkata, India who loves to write for freedom and passion and makes meaning out of scribblings and produces masterpieces with deep thoughtful meaning. Here’s my collection of best of my short stories written and compiled by myself, which are suspenseful, twisty, miscellaneous and appropriate for all moods and age groups. Hope y’all like my conten...

    9,47 €

  • Nunca llueve sobre mojado
    Javier García
    El libro está integrado por una colección de diez relatos individuales que tienen un nexo en común a todos ellos; la lluvia. La utilización de un fenómeno físico como elemento vertebrador es algo muy original y que se convierte en un personaje más junto a los propios protagonistas de los relatos. Estos hablan de personas normales en situaciones extraordinarias y como, en alguno...

    14,00 €

  • Mormon Misfits
    Johnny Townsend
    LGBTQ Mormons may not be a good fit for the LDS world, but there’s plenty of room for them elsewhere. A budding feminist tries to make a political statement by giving birth to her 'illegitimate' son in church just before Mother’s Day. A gay man works with unhoused people in Seattle while taking care of a terminally ill partner at home. A lesbian couple fight internalized homoph...

    12,47 €

  • Secret Love and other stories
    Jillian Becker
    These stories, variously set in England, South Africa, Botswana, Europe, America between the late 19th century and the early 21st century, were written at intervals in the long life of the writer. They differ widely in mood, style, and content, but one thing they all have in common is irony. ...

    26,34 €

  • Audit, Angel, Antipodes, Admiral and Antmen
    Desmond Collins
    A quirky anthology of five different, but positive short stories. Based on a caring sense of family and community which will appeal to many from different walks of life.Desmond Collins has lived most of his life in or near Wellington, New Zealand. He enjoys the steep bush-clad hills and landlocked harbour that dominate the city. The air is fresh and the wind frequently gusts ov...

    10,64 €

  • Do Not Blame God
    Radmila Ravenn
    Kristýna is a housewife and aspiring actress with many aspirations for the future; however, trapped under the regime of communist Czechoslovakia, she is forced to work under their occupation. Born to traitorous parents, Kristýna would be persecuted if she doesn’t bend her will to the regime. Yet upon arriving at her new place of work, she meets someone that offers her liberatio...

    20,03 €

  • Have We Been Here Before?
    Curt Lincoln
    Have We Been Here Before? is a stirring collection of short stories, flash fiction, prose, and poetry that explore complex themes of loss, alienation, poverty, and more. From the despair of losing a beloved pet, to the chill of a cold winter’s evening, to the turmoil of a battlefield, author Curt Lincoln invites readers to explore a wide range of emotions and experiences. Reade...

    7,07 €

  • Portia Oakeshott, Dinosaur Veterinarian
    Raymund Eich
    As a girl, Portia Oakeshott dreamed of caring for the reconstructed dinosaurs roaming the preserve near the south pole of her balmy home planet, New New South Wales.As a graduate from the planet’s top veterinary school and a recent hire by the dinosaur preserve, caring for dinosaurs brings Portia into conflict with land-coveting ranchers, spoiled teenagers, villainous millionai...

    19,03 €

  • 4 Short Romance Stories Collection #3
    Misha Quinn
    4 Short Romance Stories Collection #3 is heartwarming, easy-read fiction.Romance stories in these collections are short or flash fiction with a twist in the love storyline. These short romance stories are perfect for those seeking an uplifting and satisfying read with brief paragraphs and descriptions.These uplifting romance stories will leave you dreaming and yearning for more...

    9,52 €

  • Modus Perfectus
    Elisabeth Hegmann
    Lonely misfits face foes, beasts, and their own inner demons in search of a mythical land of music ... and end up finding themselves instead.... a woman in the chorus of a musical finds herself caught up in a love triangle with a ghost and helpless to stop the star’s obsession.... the wife of a famous rock star realizes that the manager intends to kill the entire band and that ...

    11,18 €

  • Fables originales
    Augusta Coupey
    On était envahi par le flot des bas-bleus !!La révolte éclata sous la tente d’Achille.Les auteurs masculins doués d’humeur hostileDéchirèrent, faut voir, le nouvel ennemi,Raillant pattes-de-mouche et petit doigt noirci.Est-ce dans l’encrier que la femme prépareLe pot-au-feu bourgeois, l’anguille à la tartare ?... ...

    11,42 €

  • Contes et nouvelles
    Alphonse Karr
    ... L’homme exagère sa force et son courage, comme la femme exagère sa faiblesse et sa timidité. Il n’y a que l’ennui que les femmes redoutent ; l’ennui seul les fatigue, l’ennui seul les tue. Une femme ne meurt jamais que d’ennui ; à soixante-quinze ans une femme ne meurt pas parce qu’elle est vieille, mais parce qu’on ne l’amuse plus. Une femme qui s’amuse est de fer et d’air...

    12,18 €

  • Nouvelles
    Arthur Schnitzler
    Les nouvelles présentées ici dans leur ordre chronologique de parution originale ont été écrites entre 1894 et 1905 et traduites en français entre 1895 et 1912. Elles marquent le premier contact du public francophone avec Schnitzler. Cet auteur est l’un des grands auteurs de langue allemande de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Longtemps méconnu dans le monde francophone, ses œ...

    14,27 €

    Kedoskee .
    This book is about a little skunk ' WHOO STANK ' This book will help children learn to grow and deal with the many changes that they face in life, also to learn that with good friends and being different, you still can find your way through this maze of life... ...

    9,88 €

  • Henshaw Five
    This anthology is the fifth to be published containing the winning stories of the critically acclaimed Henshaw Press Short Story Competition. This edition contains twenty-one of the prize-winning and highly commended stories from the competitions over the past two years.The book offers an eclectic mix of vignettes of humanity: romance, crime, ghosts, tears, laughter, triumph ov...

    9,73 €

  • Marginal Mormons
    Johnny Townsend
    What happens when a High Priest becomes addicted to crack cocaine? Should an unemployed bank teller take in a homeless protester from the Occupy Movement? Who is Salt Lake City’s newest superhero, a masked man wearing temple clothes who mysteriously shows up at crime scenes?Is there a way to splice the empathy gene into the genome of every human? Can a schizophrenic woman on an...

    13,17 €

    Kedoskee .
    This book is about a little skunk ' WHOO STANK that smells good and to help children learn to grow and deal with the many changes and things that we face in life, also to see that with good friends and being different, you still can find your way through this maze of life... ...

    18,10 €

  • Tall Tales for Little People
    Alton Lynn Cooper
    Tall Tales for Little People is a fun read for children, revealing some interesting characters caught up in a number of strange and sometimes scary situations. There are laughs along the way and then some other things that just make you scratch your head and wonder if things like that could really happen. Each story is written to entertain while also giving a valuable life less...

    12,06 €

  • Tall Tales for Little People
    Alton Lynn Cooper
    Tall Tales for Little People is a fun read for children, revealing some interesting characters caught up in a number of strange and sometimes scary situations. There are laughs along the way and then some other things that just make you scratch your head and wonder if things like that could really happen. Each story is written to entertain while also giving a valuable life less...

    20,24 €

  • Escalofríos
    Mark L’Estrange / Azael Avila
    Un retrato que esconde el secreto de un brutal asesinato. Un experimento militar secreto que provoca un terror inimaginable. Una invitación a una noche de pasión, demasiado buena para ser cierta.Un manicomio abandonado para criminales dementes del que un paciente se niega a salir. Un juego de dulce o truco que descubre un secreto mortal. El espíritu de una mujer asesinada que a...

    31,01 €

  • Escalofríos
    Mark L’Estrange / Azael Avila
    Un retrato que esconde el secreto de un brutal asesinato. Un experimento militar secreto que provoca un terror inimaginable. Una invitación a una noche de pasión, demasiado buena para ser cierta.Un manicomio abandonado para criminales dementes del que un paciente se niega a salir. Un juego de dulce o truco que descubre un secreto mortal. El espíritu de una mujer asesinada que a...

    26,90 €

  • Escalofríos
    Mark L’Estrange / Azael Avila
    Un retrato que esconde el secreto de un brutal asesinato. Un experimento militar secreto que provoca un terror inimaginable. Una invitación a una noche de pasión, demasiado buena para ser cierta.Un manicomio abandonado para criminales dementes del que un paciente se niega a salir. Un juego de dulce o truco que descubre un secreto mortal. El espíritu de una mujer asesinada que a...

    18,41 €

  • Escalofríos
    Mark L’Estrange / Azael Avila
    Un retrato que esconde el secreto de un brutal asesinato. Un experimento militar secreto que provoca un terror inimaginable. Una invitación a una noche de pasión, demasiado buena para ser cierta.Un manicomio abandonado para criminales dementes del que un paciente se niega a salir. Un juego de dulce o truco que descubre un secreto mortal. El espíritu de una mujer asesinada que a...

    16,85 €

  • Escalofríos
    Mark L’Estrange / Azael Avila
    Un retrato que esconde el secreto de un brutal asesinato. Un experimento militar secreto que provoca un terror inimaginable. Una invitación a una noche de pasión, demasiado buena para ser cierta.Un manicomio abandonado para criminales dementes del que un paciente se niega a salir. Un juego de dulce o truco que descubre un secreto mortal. El espíritu de una mujer asesinada que a...

    17,12 €

  • The Big Day (and other stories)
    Dave Lauby
    What do invisible rats, aspiring rapists, axe-wielding gorillas, coffee shop ninjas and clown-faced kidnappers all have in common? They’re just some of the shady miscreants and dubious heroes who populate the pages of the twisted tales making up Dave Lauby’s rollicking short fiction collection The Big Day (and other stories). From the wimpy 13-year-old boy spurred on to crimina...

    38,05 €