Catálogo de libros: Narrativa romántica

41560 Catálogo de libros: Narrativa romántica

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  • Fromont and Risler, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Alphonse Daudet
    Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of Léon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Alphonse took to writing, and his poems were collected into a small volume, Les Amoureuses (1858). He obtained employment on Le Figaro, then under Cartier de Villemessant’s energetic editorship, wrote two or three plays, and began to be recognized, among those interested in li...

    18,47 €

  • Fromont and Risler, Volume III (Esprios Classics)
    Alphonse Daudet
    Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) was a French novelist. He was the father of Léon Daudet and Lucien Daudet. Alphonse took to writing, and his poems were collected into a small volume, Les Amoureuses (1858). He obtained employment on Le Figaro, then under Cartier de Villemessant’s energetic editorship, wrote two or three plays, and began to be recognized, among those interested in li...

    18,35 €

  • The Skipper and the Skipped (Esprios Classics)
    Holman Day
    Holman Francis Day (1865-1935) was an American author, born at Vassalboro, Maine, and a graduate of Colby College (class of 1887). In 1889-90 he was managing editor of the publications of the Union Publishing Company, Bangor, Maine. He was also editor and proprietor of the Dexter Eastern Gazette, a special writer the Journal in Lewiston, Maine, representative of the Boston Hera...

    29,72 €

  • My Flirtations (Esprios Classics)
    Ella Hepworth Dixon
    Ella Hepworth Dixon (pen name, Margaret Wynman; 1857-1932) was an English author and editor. Her best-known work is the New Woman novel The Story of a Modern Woman, which has been reprinted in the 21st century. n 1888, she accepted Oscar Wilde’s offer to become the editor of The Woman’s World. She also edited the magazine The Englishwomen from 1895. Dixon’s magazine, The Englis...

    19,83 €

  • The Little Lady of Lagunitas (Esprios Classics)
    Richard Henry Savage
    Richard Henry Savage (June 12, 1846 - October 11, 1903) was an American military officer and author who wrote more than 40 books of adventure and mystery, based loosely on his own experiences. Savage’s eloquent, witty, dashing and daring life may have been the inspiration for the pulp novel character Doc Savage. In his youth in San Francisco, Savage studied engineering and law,...

    28,16 €

  • The Vehement Flame (Esprios Classics)
    Margaret Deland
    Margaret Deland (née Margaretta Wade Campbell) (1857-1945) was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet. She also wrote an autobiography in two volumes. She is generally considered part of the literary realism movement. Deland is known principally for the novel John Ward, Preacher (1888), an indictment of Calvinism, which became a best-seller. Her ’Old Chester’ books,...

    28,93 €

  • What Necessity Knows (Esprios Classics)
    Lily Dougall
    Lily Dougall (1858-1923) was a Canadian author and feminist. Born into an evangelical Presbyterian newspaper family, Dougall’s liberal views often conflicted with her religious upbringing. Although born in Montreal, Quebec, she was educated in New York City and at both the University of Edinburgh and St. Andrew’s University in Scotland. While in Edinburgh, she lived with her au...

    30,44 €

  • In Exile and Other Stories (Esprios Classics)
    Mary Hallock Foote
    Mary Hallock Foote (1847-1938) was an American author and illustrator. She is best known for her illustrated short stories and novels portraying life in the mining communities of the turn-of-the-century American West. As a student Mary Hallock Foote befriended American artist Helena de Kay Gilder. The two maintained a very close friendship throughout their lives, shared a lengt...

    21,46 €

  • Four Meetings (Esprios Classics)
    Henry James
    Henry James OM (1843-1916) was an Anglo-American novelist. He was one of the most important literary people of the late 19th century. James was the son of Henry James Senior, a clergyman, and the brother of William James, the psychologist and philosopher. He grew up mostly in the United States but spent the majority of his life in England. He became a British citizen in 1915. H...

    18,13 €

  • Mauprat (Esprios Classics)
    George Sand
    Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin (1 July 1804 - 8 June 1876), best known by her pen name George Sand, was a French novelist, memoirist, and journalist. One of the more popular writers in Europe in her lifetime, being more renowned than both Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac in England in the 1830s and 1840s, Sand is recognised as one of the most notable writers of the European Roman...

    26,63 €

  • The Romance of a Station (Esprios Classics)
    Rosa Praed
    Rosa Campbell Praed (1851-1935), often credited as Mrs Campbell Praed (and also known as Rosa Caroline Praed), was an Australian novelist. Her large bibliography covered multiple genres, and books for children as well as adults. She has been described as the first Australian novelist to achieve a significant international reputation. Rosa had a passion for reading and writing f...

    23,64 €

  • The Fifth String, The Conspirators, and The Experiences of a Bandmaster (Esprios Classics)
    John Philip Sousa
    John Philip Sousa (November 6, 1854 - March 6, 1932) was an American composer and conductor of the late Romantic era known primarily for American military marches. He is known as 'The March King' or the 'American March King', to distinguish him from his British counterpart Kenneth J. Alford. Among his best-known marches are 'The Stars and Stripes Forever' (National March of the...

    18,73 €

  • The Cid (Esprios Classics)
    Pierre Corneille
    Le Cid is a five-act French tragicomedy written by Pierre Corneille, first performed in December 1636 at the Théâtre du Marais in Paris and published the same year. It is based on Guillén de Castro’s play Las Mocedades del Cid. Castro’s play in turn is based on the legend of El Cid. An enormous popular success, Corneille’s Le Cid was the subject of a heated polemic over the nor...

    18,38 €

  • Chronicle of the Cid (Esprios Classics)
    'I. King Don Ferrando succeeded to the states of Castille after the death of his father King Don Sancho el Mayor, in the era 1072, which was the year of the Incarnation 1034, and from the coming of the Patriarch Tubal to settle in Spain 3197, and from the general deluge 3339, and from the creation of the world 4995, according to the computation of the Hebrews, and from the begi...

    25,23 €

  • The Gods Have Smiled
    Georgina Antoinette
    As Helena and Dimitris become serious in their relationship, more problems arise from possessing the small photo of a child, purchased as a souvenir in the first days of Helena’s vacation in Rhodes. Information continues to come from testing on the photo at the University, with Stefano’s help. Helena is warned again about the danger, but now they know how dangerous it is to ask...

    20,02 €

  • Conflitos
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Depois de escrever várias histórias e encantado muitas pessoas com seus romances e contos, Eduardo resolve falar de si mesmo, de suas frustrações, dores e da vida cheia de perversidade, orgias e drogas, numa trama onde há apenas dois personagens: Ele, com seus pensamentos cheios de conflitos e contradições, e a solidão sempre em silêncio, zombando de sua infelicidades, até surg...

    54,64 €

  • A Romance of Youth, Volume 1 (Esprios Classics)
    Francois Coppee
    François Edouard Joachim Coppée (26 January 1842 - 23 May 1908) was a French poet and novelist. He was born in Paris to a civil servant. After attending the Lycée Saint-Louis he became a clerk in the ministry of war, and won public favour as a poet of the Parnassian school. His first printed verses date from 1864. In 1869 his first play, Le Passant, starring Sarah Bernhardt and...

    18,44 €

  • Solidão
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Paulo Henrique é deixado no altar pela quarta vez depois de várias tentativas em ser feliz no amor e entra em profunda depressão. Decepcionado e totalmente revoltado com as mulheres ele foge para dentro de si mesmo, passando a viver isolado no escuro de um quarto em completa angústia, localizado na periferia da cidade. Cercado por traficantes, drogados e uma profunda miséria so...

    35,02 €

  • Solidão
    Abdenal Carvalho
    Paulo Henrique é deixado no altar pela quarta vez depois de várias tentativas em ser feliz no amor e entra em profunda depressão. Decepcionado e totalmente revoltado com as mulheres ele foge para dentro de si mesmo, passando a viver isolado no escuro de um quarto em completa angústia, localizado na periferia da cidade. Cercado por traficantes, drogados e uma profunda miséria so...

    56,72 €

  • Sophia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOPHIA é a história fictícia de uma mulher que desde a infância sofre por ter nascido numa família desajustada e miserável, porém traz no coração a esperança de poder um dia ser possível mudar a maldita sorte que o destino lhe reservou. Aos treze anos é violentada e torna-se assombrada com os homens, mesmo assim se esforça para amá-los e é traída, revoltando-se por completo com...

    24,78 €

  • Sophia
    Abdenal Carvalho
    SOPHIA é a história fictícia de uma mulher que desde a infância sofre por ter nascido numa família desajustada e miserável, porém traz no coração a esperança de poder um dia ser possível mudar a maldita sorte que o destino lhe reservou. Aos treze anos é violentada e torna-se assombrada com os homens, mesmo assim se esforça para amá-los e é traída, revoltando-se por completo com...

    47,64 €

  • Opération-Rupture
    Vanessa Dalzon
    Chacun digère la rupture à sa façon. Certains essayent d’oublier, d’autres jouent à l’autruche et pensent avoir oublié jusqu’à ce qu’un évènement inattendu vienne tout chambouler. C’est le cas de Nessie, jeune femme belle, intelligente mais surtout amoureuse. Alors que Ryan Louis, son ex fait tout pour revenir dans sa vie et que d’autres protagonistes s’y mêlent, Nessie, de son...

    15,81 €

  • Nuances e Odes - SVELTESS COVER
    Lourenço Cái Lágrima
    CONCEITO DE CAPASoftcover, Sveltess6×9 in, 15×23 cm.ISBN9781714353507 Blurb.SINÓPSENUANCES E ODES é o retrato de um mundo cantado: o amor expresso em verso.Nesta obra embarcamos numa longa mas serena viagem em busca da mulher causadora de incontável anamnese deixada no mais íntimo do íntimo do eu poético. Intentando, o eu, alcançar ao menos um só rasto dessa beldade para acalen...

    58,33 €

  • From Curiosity to Obsession
    Georgina Antoinette
    The more clues and pieces to the puzzle are acquired, the more stress is put on the relationship between Dimitris and Helena. Helen’s answer to any conflict with Dimi is to flee, get away to think and calm down. It doesn’t always work. Thugs and the problems they present keeps the couple on alert, for more trouble. Since the little picture of a child, which Helena bought as a s...

    20,17 €

  • The Price of the Puzzle
    Georgina Antoinette
    Helen couldn’t stop asking questions. Threats from petty criminals to surrender the photograph, are more serious than she thought. When she finds that the crime boss and his cronies have been seen in Rhodes, her stubborn streak still wouldn’t allow her to comply with their demands.. It only made her more curious. Her relationship with Dimitris is on thin ice. She left Dimi out ...

    21,62 €

  • Nuances e Odes - SVELTESS COVER
    Lourenço Cái Lágrima
    CONCEITO DE CAPAHardcover, Sveltess6×9 in, 15×23 cm.ISBN9781714292028 Blurb.SINÓPSENUANCES E ODES é o retrato de um mundo cantado: o amor expresso em verso.Nesta obra embarcamos numa longa mas serena viagem em busca da mulher causadora de incontável anamnese deixada no mais íntimo do íntimo do eu poético. Intentando, o eu, alcançar ao menos um só rasto dessa beldade para acalen...

    132,58 €

    Eva Ann Phillips
    KNJIGA JE NA HRVATSKOM JEZIKU!Surovog poglavara klana, Gordona Campbella, je malo što uspijevalo iznenaditi. Na širem području Visočja i Zapadnog Otočja predstavljao je silu na koju je njihov suveren mogao računati. Pogotovo, kad se uzme u obzir da su obojica smrtno mrzili proklete Engleze! Na njegovu žalost, osvanuo je dan kad se morao suočiti s neobičnom ratnicom. Prvotno div...

    17,69 €

  • Dvojnica
    Inna Moore
    Iz gomile zgodnih tipova priđe vam onaj najintrigantniji, najdojmljiviji i daleko najzgodniji.Gleda vas kao da ništa drugo na svijetu ne postoji, kao da se poznajete oduvijek.I predloži vam nešto nemoralno. Traži samo jednu noć.Pod njegovim uvjetima i za određen iznos. I ne samo to, obeća vam vrhunski užitak. Ne prljavi seks, ništa nastrano. Obeća da će s vama voditi ljubav.Bis...

    14,01 €

  • U okovima prkosa
    Inna Moore
    Treći dio povijesnog serijala U okovimaPriča čiji ćete kraj pamtiti dugo. Priča puna naboja, inata, iskrica i promjena.Sabina Hardy, kao francuska gospođica kojoj su pravila i društvene norme mrski, i Abbot Langdon, kao londonski plemić koji bez tih isti normi i pravila ne može živjeti.Najstariji sin u obitelji Langdon od svog boležljivog oca preuzima obaveze i titule, te vlada...

    13,40 €

  • The Inauguration of Insanity (an erotic novella)
    Dominic Francis
    Starting at Hobbling University in a distant world, Tonnan - our narrator - falls in love with a woman called Xinx .'Every once in a while, a remarkable person takes centre stage in your life and that person seems to epitomise all the dreams that you deem sacred. When you’re with that person, the world is exactly how you’ve always wanted it to be.' Rockland, a likeable free spi...

    10,19 €