Catálogo de libros: Ficción erótica

3898 Catálogo de libros: Ficción erótica

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  • Shawnette Orgun Tied Up
    A.A. Kay
    Shawnette Orgun husband calls one day, and tells her that he will be home early and that they needed to talk, so once he is home, he tells her that they need to do a ritual that uses sex to do it. This ritual is suppose to help with finding out where they came from, as in the Humans of that world, and that she has to have sex while she is tied up and bond. She does so, but the...

    21,41 €

  • Montañas, cuevas y tacones
    Laurent Kosta
    Iván ha crecido en un pueblo de seiscientos habitantes en las montañas de Cantabria. Es el chico perfecto: es guapo, amable, listo, deportista y tiene la novia perfecta. También tiene un secreto, de aquellos que no se confiesan en los pueblos pequeños.Su vida da un giro inesperado cuando un diseñador de moda se instala una temporada en su montaña para terminar su última colecci...

    14,96 €

  • Abiah Kinney Tied Up
    Tiger Love
    Abiah Kinney is a 25 year old, who has just divorced her ex husband a couple of months ago due to the fact that he cheated on her. As such he got the woman he cheated on, pregnant and Abiah has wanted to have a child for years, but he never gave her one.One day her ex calls her with a man who is interested in her. Does she get to know him? Does she make love with him? Who is he...

    9,70 €

  • Shawnette Orgun Tied Up 2
    A.A. Kay
    In this part of the trilogy Shawnette finds herself in a ruined city that looked to be hit by a bomb or something as she is naked, and doesn?t have much with her, she finds that she is not hungry, or thirsty as she looks around, she finds that there are other animals, and plants but no Human life of any kind. She finds some clothes and a backpack in what appears to be a ruin of...

    9,77 €

  • Chillers
    We lost most of our cinema heroes years ago … horror icons like Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. When we view one of their films on a dark and stormy night, it feels like we are visiting old friends. They transport us to lands long forgotten, dark worlds of a macabre age. Vampires and men brought back from the dead. Films like Frankenstein (1931) and Dracula (1931) have continued...

    24,50 €

  • Supernatural Collection of Horror Anthologies
    From the bowels of Hell… comes a Supernatural Collection of Horror Anthologies… with abysmal Demonic and Luciferian encounters. This entire eerie den of terror… frights… and the putrid macabre… are bred from the innate fears and phobias that plague our darkest seeds… that lie dormant… in the pitch-black abyss… of our aphotic… pugilistic… and utterly sinister imaginations. ...

    9,58 €

  • Community of Women
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:Sheldon Lord began his career with CARLA, published by Harry Shorten’s Midwood Books in 1958. Just about a year later he wrote CAMPUS TRAMP for William Hamling’s Nightstand Books, for whom he’d morphed into Andrew Shaw. And young Mr. Lord’s first book for yet a third publisher, Beacon, was APRIL NORTH.Each publisher wanted more from the guy. Beacon’s request for...

    14,24 €

  • Born to Be Bad
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:When I decided to reissue my early books in the Collection of Classic Erotica, I did so without realizing what I was getting myself into. I would have to read them again.Or, as in the case of BORN TO BE BAD, I’d have to read them for the first time.I remembered just three things about the book. (1) The title, BORN TO BE BAD. (My mother, on hearing about the nove...

    14,15 €

  • College for Sinners
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:As far as I’m concerned, the most striking aspect of COLLEGE FOR SINNERS is that it seems to have been the occasion for some unwitting plagiarism on my part.The dramatist Moliere has a character who’s astonished, and not half-chuffed, to discover that all his life he’s been speaking prose. Well, I’m every bit as surprised by this revelation, if less delighted wi...

    14,11 €

  • Of Shame and Joy
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:O Rose thou art sick. / The invisible worm, /That flies in the night / In the howling storm: /Has found out thy bed / Of crimson joy: /And his dark secret love / Does thy life destroy.Those eight lines constitute the complete text of “The Sick Rose,” published by William Blake in Songs of Experience in 1794. I took to Blake early on, and thought Of Crimson Joy w...

    14,19 €

  • A Woman Must Love
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:A WOMAN MUST LOVE is #12 in the Collection of Classic Erotica, and it’s never been reissued since Midwood brought it out in 1960. Consequently I’ve just read it for the first time since I wrote it some 57 years ago.I remember the circumstances of writing it. I was living in Buffalo, at 422 Starin Avenue, in the house where I grew up. Besides writing, I was co-pr...

    14,24 €

  • The Adulterers
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:"Dear Larry, I just finished your The Adulterers. What I found remarkable is that as early as the first few pages, the book read like you, meaning the expository narrative flowed as smoothly as rushing water over rocks. (The only cliche I will allow myself in this short note). And the hooking of the reader into the story, and creating a sense of sympathy for bot...

    14,15 €

  • Kept
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:So you’re unemployed, fresh off a construction crew in Albany, and standing on a Thruway ramp trying to thumb a ride, and a babe in a Cadillac convertible stops for you. Hey, these things happen.They never happened to me, but never mind. For you it's different. You’re Mark Taggert and you’ve got the good sense to get in the car, and it changes your life.The ...

    14,28 €

  • The Twisted Ones
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:You might be surprised to learn that back in 1961 Nightstand Books published an inquiry into the heartbreak of scoliosis, but—oh, hang on a minute. You say the title refers to characters who are not spinally but psychosexually bent?Oh.Well, never mind.Dave and Nancy Grantland look for all the world like happy couple leading a comfortable suburban lifestyle. And ...

    14,15 €

  • High School Sex Club
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:When I was sifting through copies of my pseudonymous erotic novels of the early 1960s, deciding which books to republish, HIGH SCHOOL SEX CLUB didn’t make the initial cut. While it’s true that it was once mentioned in the same breath as WAR AND PEACE (“Andrew Shaw’s HIGH SCHOOL SEX CLUB is, it must be said, no WAR AND PEACE.” —Philomela Triolet, The Hartshorn Re...

    14,11 €

  • I Sell Love
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:What’s the autobiography of a prostitute doing in the Collection of Classic Erotica?I asked myself this very question while weighing its suitability for the collection. On the one hand, it’s nonfiction, specifically memoir. On the other, it was entirely an invention, a fabrication, its putative narrator no less a creation of my own mind than, say, Linda Shepard ...

    14,22 €

  • 69 Barrow Street
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:While my first visit to New York was with my father in 1948, it wasn’t until the summer of 1956 that I actually lived in the city. I’d completed my first year at Antioch College and was to spend August through October in the mailroom at Pines Publications on East 40th Street. (They had a paperback line—Popular Library—and a string of magazines, ranging from surv...

    14,15 €

  • 21 Gay Street
    Lawrence Block
    When Joyce Kendall arrives in New York, fresh out of Clifton College in Iowa, she has a job and an apartment waiting for her. The job’s as a first reader for Armageddon Publications. The apartment’s at 21 Gay Street, and the small Federal-period house is already home to a lesbian couple, Jean Fitzgerald and Terri Leigh, and an out-of-work newspaperman, Pete Galton.The relations...

    14,15 €

  • Gigolo Johnny Wells
    Lawrence Block
    17-year-old Johnny Wells was a very handsome young man, and you’d have called him a babe magnet, but I’m afraid they didn’t have that phrase back in 1961. He decided to capitalize on his looks and the response they earned from women, invested in a haircut and a good wardrobe, moved out of his slum apartment and into a budget hotel, and reinvented himself as a gigolo. ...

    14,14 €

  • April North
    Lawrence Block
    THOSE BOYS AND THEIR CARS…Danny Duncan drives his father’s Oldsmobile. It's a nice respectable family sedan, and April North is every bit as respectable as the car. Until he manages to get her into the back seat. Now she's no longer a good girl, but only Danny know it, and he can keep a secret, can’t he?Well, no. He tells half the town of Antrim, Ohio—the male half, and...

    14,15 €

  • Carla
    Lawrence Block
    Carla is a beautiful girl. She was plucked from the obscurity of a Polish slum to be the wife of a wealthy man—a man who seemingly gives her everything a wife could want. Except the one thing that she needs most: the pleasure she burns for while he snores beside her, the passion that only a lover can give.But adultery seems impossible until, suddenly, it happens. When she seduc...

    14,12 €

  • A Strange Kind of Love
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:I’d no sooner finished CARLA, my first book for Midwood Tower, than Harry Shorten asked for another. I’d just returned to Antioch College, where after two years as an undistinguished student I’d dropped out for a year to hang on to a summer job at Scott Meredith’s literary agency and bucket shop. It was wonderful training, but after a year there I decided I shou...

    14,15 €

  • Campus Tramp
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:There’s a song they used to sing at Antioch College, and it went something like this:“She was just a little freshmanVictim of Admission’s whimThen she met an upperclassman—we won’t name him—And she had a child by him.“Now he’s off in New York CityRescued by the co-op planWhile she walks the streets of Yellow Springs, Ohio,Looking for another man.”Ah, they don’t ...

    14,14 €

  • Circle of Sinners
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:Because they were collected into a single hardcover volume published by Subterranean Press, a good number of readers are acquainted with my three collaborations with Donald E. Westlake. That's not the case with CIRCLE OF SINNERS, a similar joint effort undertaken with another longstanding (and, I'm pleased to say, still standing) friend and colleague, Ha...

    14,14 €

  • A Girl Called Honey
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:When Don Westlake and I were starting out as writers, we both served an apprenticeship writing erotic novels for Harry Shorten at Midwood Books and Bill Hamling at Nightstand. (I was Sheldon Lord for Midwood and Andrew Shaw for Nightstand, while Don was Alan Marshall for both publishers. Note though that the presence of either name upon a book is no guarantee th...

    14,19 €

  • Sin Hellcat
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:This is the third novel Donald E. Westlake and I did in collaboration, SIN HELLCAT, and I think it may have been the best of the three—but we didn't get to put a joint byline on it. Well, we did—but someone at Nightstand felt free to change it, dropping Alan Marshall from the "by Alan Marshall and Andrew Shaw" byline we'd supplied. Much the same thing ha...

    14,15 €

  • So Willing
    Lawrence Block
    From the author:When Don Westlake and I were starting out as writers, we both served an apprenticeship writing erotic novels for Harry Shorten at Midwood Books and Bill Hamling at Nightstand. (I was Sheldon Lord for Midwood and Andrew Shaw for Nightstand, while Don was Alan Marshall for both publishers. Note though that the presence of either name upon a book is no guarantee th...

    14,21 €

  • Shawnette Orgun Tied Up 1
    A.A. Kay
    Shawnette Orgun starts the day like any other where she is walking her dog named Max, she likes to do 3 or 4 laps a day, as she was going around the track at the local park her husband, Blayze Orgun calls her up, and tells her that he is coming home early and needs to talk to her. She gets home and he is there and he tells her that his work has a experiment that he and others l...

    9,73 €

  • Ayalisse Kowt-eAshrow Gloryhole Adventure 3
    A.A. Kay / A.AKay
    In this part of her journey into finding her sexual self, she finds out that when she comes back to the Adult Bookstore again, that they have waiting ten men to have sex with her. However they have her in a different spot in the store, and where there is two holes instead of just one. Does she like having more men this time and what happens next does surprise everyone including...

    10,95 €

  • Ayalisse Kowt-eAshrow Gloryhole Adventures
    A.A. Kay
    Ayalisse Kowt-eAshrow is a woman who wishes to find out more about her sexual self as such she has decided into going to a local Adult bookstore there to try out the glory holes there in order to find out more about her self. This becomes a 3 day journey in which she finds out a lot about herself and that she enjoys having other men use her at the glory hole. However what else ...

    21,27 €