Catálogo de libros: Fantasía romántica

5996 Catálogo de libros: Fantasía romántica

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  • A Song to Remember
    Carrie Pulkinen
    He’s found his fated mate.If only he could remember her... When Shane meets Bekah, and his wolf claims her, all the broken pieces of his life finally snap into place. He’s ready to settle down, but his witch bandmates have fame on their minds and a sinister plan to achieve it. No werewolf in his right mind would agree to summoning a demon to help them achieve stardom. And if Sh...

    14,10 €

  • Wicked Warlock
    Marina Simcoe
    No one can stop the curse laid on him-and breaking it may kill me.I may not have much in this world, but I do have a plan: work hard, save every penny, get that college degree, and build a better life for myself.Getting involved with the guests of the hotel where I work would definitely derail me from that path. I have been specifically warned to keep away from the ones who sta...

    9,58 €

  • La compagna dell’alieno
    Grace Goodwin
    Sono venuto sulla Terra per dare la caccia a un assassino, non per trovare una compagna.Ma poi la vedo... e non riesco a non pensare... È MIA.C’è solo un unico problema ---                          Il mio nemico sa che lei è qui... e la vuole per sé.Cassie Anderson è rimasta orfana quando aveva quattro anni. Col tempo è diventata una donna pragmatica del Montana, e ora la sua v...

    10,86 €

  • I Promise You
    Susan Harris
    Autum has been engaged to Jack for three years, she soon discovers that the man she was due to marry is not who she thinks he is. She embarks on a business trip and has a brief encounter with her boss Frank, which puts her subconscious mind into overdrive, all from a kiss. When the dreams start, she dismisses them as that, dreams, which soon became reality. Can Autum survive th...

    16,42 €

  • La Compagne de l’Extraterrestre
    Grace Goodwin
    Je suis venu sur Terre pour pourchasser un assassin, pas pour me trouver une compagne.Mais quand je la vois, la seule chose que je peux penser, c’est... À MOI.Il n’y a qu’un dangereux problème :Mon ennemi sait qu’elle est là... et il la veut pour lui.Cassie Anderson est orpheline depuis qu’elle a quatre ans. Obligée de se débrouiller toute seule, elle est devenue une femme trav...

    15,14 €

  • Пара для Киборгов
    Грэйс Гудвин / Grace Goodwin
    Агент ФБР Кристин Уэбстер потратила последние 8 лет на выслеживание и отлов отбросов человечества. Она видела слишком много, чтобы поверить, что когда-либо еще сможет доверять человеческому мужчине, но обещание от Программы Межгалактических Невест Коалиции об идеальном совпадении заставило ее усесться в кресло для тестирования, чтобы подобрать ей инопланетную пару. Однако ее со...

    10,86 €

  • Awakened Light
    Katherine Hastings
    I was raised to hate vampires. In my eyes, vampires are an abomination created by my ancestor’s magic, and every last one of them should be wiped off the earth.​And then I meet Thorne.​He’s one of them, but he’s different than the blood-thirsty monsters I’ve always been led to believe they are. He’s kind, funny, and charming.​And more handsome than any man I’ve ever seen.​When ...

    12,98 €

  • Nyala
    Michael Harvey Friedman
    When David Sendek, a 34-year-old software engineer who has always been a bit of a failure with women, stumbles upon a mysterious BDSM club called Nyala in San Francisco’s SoMa District, he can’t resist the fatal charms of Jill Ashe, a gorgeous dominatrix who seduces him and becomes the love of his life.David’s closest friend, 33-year-old Willie Ludlow, is a strong-willed lesbia...

    18,40 €

  • Edarta
    Michael Harvey Friedman
    When David Sendek, a 34-year-old software engineer who has always been a bit of a failure with women, stumbles upon a mysterious BDSM club called Nyala in San Francisco’s SoMa District, he can’t resist the fatal charms of Jill Ashe, a gorgeous dominatrix who seduces him and becomes the love of his life.David’s closest friend, 33-year-old Willie Ludlow, is a strong-willed lesbia...

    18,43 €

  • Rise From the Ashes
    CS Hale
    AN ALIEN QUEEN Human Astrid Carbrev never expected to be queen of Bánalfar, much less be allowed to stay once her presence on Crenfor was discovered. When, against all odds, she and her Alfari husband Valemar conceive a child, instead of being imprisoned, Astrid finds herself appointed the Astrun Federation’s new ambassador to Crenfor. Now she has a decision to make-allow trade...

    12,79 €

  • All Bags Go to Cleveland
    CS Hale
    Angela Grimalke appears more blonde bombshell than the gremlin she is. But there is no denying her supernatural truth after her clumsiness gets her fired from her modeling career. Forced to work for her family’s upscale airline, she spends her days slinging luggage and wishing her parents would get off her back about finding a nice gremlin guy to settle down with.Relationships ...

    11,35 €

  • La risoluzione di Wyatt
    Kayla Gabriel
    Wyatt Beran, un ragazzaccio della peggior specie, ha fatto di tutto per guadagnarsi la sua reputazione di festaiolo e di dongiovanni. Dopo anni passati vivendo al limite, la sua vita cambia in modo irrevocabile quando comincia a sognare il futuro - e soprattutto una bellissima dottoressa dai capelli bruni che è destinata ad essere la sua compagna. Ma c’è un unico problema: le v...

    10,68 €

  • La risoluzione di Wyatt
    Kayla Gabriel
    Wyatt Beran, un ragazzaccio della peggior specie, ha fatto di tutto per guadagnarsi la sua reputazione di festaiolo e di dongiovanni. Dopo anni passati vivendo al limite, la sua vita cambia in modo irrevocabile quando comincia a sognare il futuro - e soprattutto una bellissima dottoressa dai capelli bruni che è destinata ad essere la sua compagna. Ma c’è un unico problema: le v...

    9,50 €

  • Tempted by the Butler
    Erin Bedford
    When your whole world is falling down around you, who do you turn to for salvation? Piper has never been the run and hide kind of woman but when her loved ones are being hunted she has no choice to do as she is told.Or not.Vampire hunters and threat of exposure weren’t going to keep this maid down. While searching for a way to be more useful to the Durands, Piper discovers thin...

    10,23 €

  • Принадлежащая Партнерам
    Грейс Гудвин / Grace Goodwin
    Отчаянно пытаясь сбежать от могущественного человека, который решил наказать ее за то, что она осмелилась сопротивляться ему, Лея вынуждена стать волонтером в Программе межзвездных невест. Она распределена на планету Викен, но по прибытии туда ее шокирует новость о том, что ее парой станет не один огромный красивый воин, а целых три.Дроган, Тор и Лев-тройняшки, которые родились...

    11,70 €

  • Захваченная партнерами
    Grace Goodwin / Грейс Гудвин
    После того, как ее подставили и признали виновной в преступлении, которого она не совершала, Джессика приняла добровольное участие в программе Межзвездные невесты, чтобы избежать длительного тюремного заключения. Она назначена парой принца, наследника трона могущественной планеты Приллон, но ее будущее остается под сомнением, поскольку нынешний правитель Приллона отвергает этот...

    10,86 €

  • Blood Rogue
    Linda J Parisi
    There is the blood and can only ever be the blood. So, how will love survive in a world of pain?Vampire Charles Tower never knew anything sweeter than the taste of Stacy Morgan’s lips.He never imagined anything crueler than her being marked for death by the only father he’s ever known.Mikhail reared him. Taught him how to survive. Now he’s gone rogue and it’s up to Charles to p...

    21,17 €

  • Finder
    Lilith Saintcrow
    He’s not the only one watching her...For years Jorie Camden has been quietly helping her police friends pursue cold cases, and she’s paid the price over and over again, her talent for Finding stretched to the limit. Now something different is stalking the streets, taking children-something old, and foul, and Dark. The cops won’t admit there’s a problem, so what can a Lightbring...

    18,63 €

  • Lest Darkness Prevail
    Sandra Valencia
    In the gripping finale of the award-winning Chikondra Trilogy, time dramatically alters the focus of Chikondra’s Minister Sirinoya and his Terran lifemate, Sandra. Challenges force the couple to blend the responsibilities of unification and family with their unique combination of skill and experience in statesmanship. Meanwhile, history careens along a perilous path. Dedicated ...

    33,40 €

  • Lest Darkness Prevail
    Sandra Valencia
    In the gripping finale of the award-winning Chikondra Trilogy, time dramatically alters the focus of Chikondra’s Minister Sirinoya and his Terran lifemate, Sandra. Challenges force the couple to blend the responsibilities of unification and family with their unique combination of skill and experience in statesmanship. Meanwhile, history careens along a perilous path. Dedicated ...

    28,00 €

  • Dragon Fury
    Ann Gimpel
    Aegir, the Selkie king, has a lot on his mind. He and his pod all but raised a young seer, and it damn near kills him to turn the boy over to his father. Especially when the father makes it abundantly clear he plans to erase the lad’s memories of his first two years.Fuming, Aegir retreats to an island in the Orkney chain that holds a gateway to Arcadia, a magical land protectin...

    16,61 €

  • Blackstone Ranger Charmer
    Alicia Montgomery
    A lion shifter waiting for the inevitable.Lion shifter Gabriel Russel knew what the future held for him. As the only male in his family, he was expected to marry a lioness worthy of his name and create a lasting alliance to expand their Pride’s influence and power. However, when fate brings him his beautiful mate, he knew there was no way he was going to bend to his pride’s wil...

    16,43 €

  • Reclamada por los vikens
    Grace Goodwin
    La única cosa que los exguerreros de la Coalición Calder, Zed y Axon tienen en común son los largos años que han pasado luchando contra la Colmena y sus ansias de reclamar su recompensa personal: su propia novia interestelar.Cuando llegan las noticias a Viken de que cada uno de los guerreros ha sido emparejado, los tres se reúnen en la estación de transporte solo para recibir d...

    14,34 €

  • L’Enfant Cyborg Illégitime
    Grace Goodwin
    Jorik, Seigneur de Guerre Atlan, veille sur le Centre de Recrutement de la Flotte de la Coalition sur Terre, protège épouses et guerriers, sans pitié, sans se laisser distraire...jusqu’à ce qu’il croise Gabriela. Elle incarne tout ce que sa bête désire. Douce. Voluptueuse. Téméraire. Il rêve de la courtiser comme il se doit, qu’elle accepte de coucher avec sa bête, qu’elle lui ...

    14,31 €

  • L’Enfant Cyborg Illégitime
    Grace Goodwin
    Jorik, Seigneur de Guerre Atlan, veille sur le Centre de Recrutement de la Flotte de la Coalition sur Terre, protège épouses et guerriers, sans pitié, sans se laisser distraire...jusqu’à ce qu’il croise Gabriela. Elle incarne tout ce que sa bête désire. Douce. Voluptueuse. Téméraire. Il rêve de la courtiser comme il se doit, qu’elle accepte de coucher avec sa bête, qu’elle lui ...

    10,87 €

  • Claimed by the Alphas
    Jayce Carter
    It takes all three alphas to train this naive omega.Ashley has spent the past six years trying to outrun a man who has torn her life apart over and over. Just as her stalker is nipping at her heels yet again, three alphas come out of nowhere to save her. Ashley wants nothing more than to trust the strangers, but she’s been betrayed far too many times before.After a traumatic ch...

    18,21 €

  • Alaska’s Rain
    Rain was a country girl who moved to New York for a job. She met a man who almost killed her. He went to jail. She needed to get away from New York, so she went to Alaska to help her sister on the homestead. Little did she know, her life was about to change forever.Marc, a black wolf shifter, was checking on his neighbor’s homestead. He caught the scent of a female-one he didn’...

    11,15 €

  • Der Ruf des Tigers
    Anna Lowe
    Tigerwandler Cruz Khala traut keinem Menschen. Auch dem Schicksal traut er nicht - noch nicht einmal in Form einer Frau, die seine gequälte Seele heilen kann. Aber es steht mehr als nur Liebe auf dem Spiel, als sich skrupellose Gestaltwandlertruppen auf der sonnigen Insel Maui versammeln, um einen unschätzbar wertvollen Edelstein mit geheimnisvollen Kräften zu stehlen. Ehe er s...

    17,15 €

  • Marked Prince
    Michelle M. Pillow / Michelle MMPillow / Michelle MPillow
    From NY Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Michelle M. Pillow, the much anticipated dragon shapeshifter romance, Qurilixen Lords!Prince Jaxx’s inner dragon-shifter is at war with his human side. He knows what is right and what is prudent, and those two impulses rarely line up. With so many people in need and the planet in chaos, how can he even think about finding a mate? Bu...

    12,22 €

  • Cuddles and Coffee
    Ellis Leigh
    Come on in to the Kinship Cove Diner, where a good cup of coffee comes with every fated mating. Pull up a stool, grab a cup, and get ready... Things are about to get a little steamy.Three books, three fun & flirty romances from the Cuddles & Coffee series. Welcome to Kinship Cove, where shifters rule the town and there’s no such thing as out of the ordinary. ...

    12,49 €