Catálogo de libros: Ficción de guerra y combate

2901 Catálogo de libros: Ficción de guerra y combate

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  • The Broken
    Joseph H. J. Leach / Joseph HJLeach
    When the paths of a broken Australian soldier and a cursed medieval village cross, the stage is set for a conflict with disastrous consequences for all involved, or, just perhaps, for healing and reconciliation that few believed possible. ...

    37,42 €

  • The Guardhouse Murders
    Don DeNevi
    Based on a True Story from WW2 Peter Toscanini's life as an undercover agent depended on the subterfuge, so meticulously planned and systematized, being believed. Something terrible happened to his heart and mind during October of 1944. Having fought off near-fatal physical and psychological blows within weeks of each other, the young Navy lieutenant emerged knowing more cl...

    14,20 €

  • Beyond the Dark Horizon
    J.B. Kingsley-Lauren
    In this final instalment the reader is left with the aftermath of the Ross family finding out the true identity of Ian Ross – a member of the Nazi Party whose real name is Kapitan Rolf von Breusch. Disbelief is replaced by anger and then determination in the quest to find Rolf and bring him to justice.The reader is also re-introduced to Rolf’s two children, Christian and Arneka...

    19,61 €

  • Promises To The Fallen
    Glyn Haynie
    In the jungles of Vietnam, innocence is the first casualty of war...Nineteen-year-old Eddie Henderson is a private in the U.S. Army. His parents are deceased, and he has no one in his life except his platoon brothers—Porter, Rocky, and Professor. His fellow soldiers are his family now. But none share a bond as close as he and his best friend, team leader Mitch Drexler.In the he...

    20,17 €

  • Promises To The Fallen
    Glyn Haynie
    In the jungles of Vietnam, innocence is the first casualty of war...Nineteen-year-old Eddie Henderson is a private in the U.S. Army. His parents are deceased, and he has no one in his life except his platoon brothers—Porter, Rocky, and Professor. His fellow soldiers are his family now. But none share a bond as close as he and his best friend, team leader Mitch Drexler.In the he...

    13,76 €

  • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi - Vol. 1
    Carlo Pozzi
    The paper soldiers printings in this first volume cover the years from 1650 to the end of the XIX century. In the second volume we will complete with tables from the XX century. The first infantries series from ‘600 and ‘700 is based on French and Italian subjects, but also English and Irish. You will also find an interesting and curious series regarding the French navy soldier...

    28,10 €

  • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi - Vol. 2
    Carlo Pozzi
    The paper soldiers printings in this first volume cover the years from 1650 to the end of the XIX century. In the second volume we will complete with tables from the XX century. The first infantries series from ‘600 and ‘700 is based on French and Italian subjects, but also English and Irish. You will also find an interesting and curious series regarding the French navy soldier...

    28,27 €

  • The End of Terror
    Bruce Howitt
    Ari Lazarus is a member of an elite Israeli secret agency, which hunts terrorists around the world and eliminates them.After Israel has been threatened with being “wiped off the map” by Iranian leaders and generals, Ari and groups of Israeli Special Forces determine that the time has come to end terror once and for all. Together, they plan a series of daring operations deep int...

    16,74 €

  • Immune
    Seth Voorhees
    In Seth Voorhees' post-apocalyptic science fiction novel, Immune: Rise of the Inflicted, readers will be taken on an amazing ride in this dystopian thriller and see a new world develop after a deadly disease infects the population right before their eyes. “Seth Voorhees navigates the intricate, contradictory world of human morality just as easily as he takes on the pandemic...

    29,10 €

  • Immune
    Seth Voorhees
    In Seth Voorhees' post-apocalyptic science fiction novel, Immune: Rise of the Inflicted, readers will be taken on an amazing ride in this dystopian thriller and see a new world develop after a deadly disease infects the population right before their eyes. “Seth Voorhees navigates the intricate, contradictory world of human morality just as easily as he takes on the pandemic...

    17,39 €

  • Cold Steel Seoul
    Turk Van Buren
    In the winter of 2018, the world braced as continued North Korean missile launches over the Korean Peninsula had deteriorated and cooled diplomatic efforts between the United States and the Democratic Republic of North Korea (DPRK). Now, in hindsight, most of the Pentagon’s top brass freely admit real-world executive orders to transport military families living in South Korea a...

    17,15 €

  • Sperm Soldier
    Evets Ornum
    After the first great war, three men in America, concerned the millions of fatherless children would be raised feminine, bred a supersoldier. Believing there is a hero gene, these men, after the conception of artificial insemination, built a complex breeding system. With the unknowing help of the government, they devised a plan to grow their hero soldiers. Extracting sperm from...

    16,88 €

  • Sperm Soldier
    Evets Ornum
    After the first great war, three men in America, concerned the millions of fatherless children would be raised feminine, bred a supersoldier. Believing there is a hero gene, these men, after the conception of artificial insemination, built a complex breeding system. With the unknowing help of the government, they devised a plan to grow their hero soldiers. Extracting sperm from...

    25,20 €

  • Heroes of Normandy The Untold Stories
    Howard A Jones / Howard Andrew Jones / Scott Parrino
    Heroes of Normandy The Untold Stories delivers seven action-packed combat stories. You will be taken behind enemy lines with a young Airborne soldier in the early morning hours of D-Day and then lead British troops forward as they discover the truest definition of heroism.  You will also witness the same events through the eyes of retreating Germans and advancing Americans and ...

    12,02 €

  • Sidroc the Dane
    Octavia Randolph
    The origin story of Sidroc the Dane, a new standalone entry point into The Circle of Ceridwen Saga. Read first, read last, read between any of the Saga novels. But read it and learn how Sidroc became Sidroc.A discarded child Fated to become a powerful Jarl – here is the story of Sidroc.Fate guides the path of his father, Hrald, to his meeting with the woman whose son would help...

    31,27 €

  • Parade’s End (Full Tetralogy
    Ford Madox Ford
    Not just about the war but about a whole era and its destruction'quite simply, the best fictional treatment of war in the history of the novel'-Mary Gordon. 'There are not many English novels which deserve to be called great: Parade’s End is one of them.' -W. H. Auden. Parade’s End  (including Some Do Not, No More Parades, A Man Could Stand Up, and Last Post) is an epic portrai...

    24,34 €

  • Rivers Ran Red
    J. A Grierson
    In a whirlwind of fire and carnage, Attila the Hun wheels half a million horsemen towards Roman territory. In his path, corruption and greed have undermined the ancient empire and the vacillating emperor, Valentinian III, has cut her legions to a sliver. But out of this smoke a wily, battle-scarred general, Avitus, rises in her defence.  Making allies of his enemies, Avitus ral...

    15,63 €

  • Parade’s End (Full Tetralogy
    Ford Madox Ford
    Not just about the war but about a whole era and its destruction'quite simply, the best fictional treatment of war in the history of the novel'-Mary Gordon. 'There are not many English novels which deserve to be called great: Parade’s End is one of them.' -W. H. Auden. Parade’s End  (including Some Do Not, No More Parades, A Man Could Stand Up, and Last Post) is an epic portrai...

    29,53 €

  • Sandra Eden’s War
    Mike Low
    Sandra Eden’s War tells the story of an SOE (Special Operations Executive) agent who is parachuted into France a few weeks before D-Day, in 1944, to co-ordinate French Resistance operations in disrupting German troop movements in and around Normandy. This is necessary in order to assist the Allied soldiers soon to be landing on the Normandy beaches.The tale is one of bravery an...

    16,35 €

  • Winter's Day
    Eben Beukes
    APRIL 1945. AS THE WAR IN EUROPE SHUDDERS TO A HALT AND GERMANY LIES IN RUINS, HITLER LAUNCHES A LAST STRIKE AT THE HEART OF AMERICA... YOUR BROTHER IS ALIVE... German engineering corps major Alex Winter is desperately constructing a pontoon bridge as the defeated Wehrmacht fights a rearguard action against the rapidly advancing Russians when he is summoned to Hitler's bunk...

    12,24 €

  • Fetchers of Water
    Jeremiah A Coffey
    Since September 29 , 2019 when it was first published  ‘Fetchers of Water’  The Panda-Polar Bear War’.   has examined  China  in depth. The CCP  social control measures are woven into the fabric of this tale. The high number of predictions and similar scenarios that have actually come to be are simply unexplainable. In the book Chinese bio-terrorists operating out the Winnipeg ...

    13,82 €

  • Empty Quiver
    Brent Towns
    “Empty Quiver”, two words that will make the world shudder.The theft of nuclear weapons in Pakistan, a terrorist attack in India, the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, and the Russian FSB. All become entwined in a twisted plot that will come to a head in England on one of the nation’s most famous days.But Team Reaper isn’t known for shying away from a fight. Especially one tha...

    16,99 €

  • Captain James Lockwood
    Mark Bois
    Newly promoted, Captain James Lockwood returns to active service. Following a painful departure from his family, he is to travel to his regiment at Gibraltar with a draft of new recruits, but at the last minute he is diverted to help suppress a slave revolt in the British colony of Guyana. Nearing Guyana, their transport is attacked by a pirate vessel, and in a bloody battle at...

    16,58 €

  • Steamboat Seasons and Backwater Battles
    Kendall D. Gott / Kendall DGott
    This is the story of a young man with the ambition to crawl his way up in Victorian society by leaving the farm and signing onto a steamboat. After becoming a certified pilot, he is quickly swept up in the war he does not understand that divides the country and threatens his goals. He witnesses the militarization of the steamboat trade and the coming rise of the railroads. When...

    17,11 €

  • His Most Italian City
    Margaret Walker
    Fascist Italy 1928. Trieste, once the port of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, has become Italian. As fascism strives violently to create a pure Italy along its streets, Matteo Brazzi is forced to choose his loyalties with care. When his office is bombed, the police are baffled, but Brazzi knows who committed the crime, and he knows why. Though he is no seaman, he can easily identi...

    16,73 €

  • Nick Hardeman, Confederate Cavalryman
    Benjamin Hord
    Major Benjamin Hord, CSA wrote this novel sometime between 1865 and 1922 when he died. Since then his book lay unpublished among his family’s records until this year of publication. In it, he develops a fascinating and curious tale of a young cavalryman’s service during the Civil War, mostly in Missouri. It is a rare eyewitness depiction of the battles and skirmishes in which h...

    35,56 €

  • Where the Sun Rises
    Suzanne Strong
    For most, the war with ISIS plays out on a faceless global stage. For these two best friends, it’s personal…Kurdish Syria, 2014. Karin longs to fight for her freedom. Except she’s forced to stay home while her brother heads into battle and ISIS advances. But when death and destruction arrive at the city gates, Karin shoulders her rifle and prepares to engage.Roza aches for the ...

    19,67 €

  • 1857 swatantra ka sangram (1857 स्‍वतंत्रता का संग्राम)
    Harikrishan Dr.Devsare
    देश के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के विस्तृत इतिहास में वर्ष १८५७ की भूमिका डेढ़ सदी बीत जाने के बाद भी न सिर्फ जनमानस में गहरे उतरती जा रही है, बल्कि उसका महत्व भी मुखर हो कर सामने आता जा रहा है इस जन आन्दोलन में अनेकों वीरों ने अपने रक्तप्राण का बलिदान सहर्ष दिया और अंतिम इच्छा यही प्रकट की, कि उनका देश ब्रिटिश राज से मुक्त हो जाए। यह स्मृतियां केवल इतिहास के पृष्ठों में संजोने के लि...

    16,64 €

  • Sharpening the Blade
    Frank Rockland
    In 1916 the Canadians’ rough edges were being honed off.First, in February, there is the tragic loss of the Parliament Buildings’ Centre Block by a suspicious fire. Then, in May, Lieutenant-General Alderson’s leaked memo damning the Ross Rifle ignites a political fire- storm. After the Canadian Corps’ disaster at the St. Eloi craters, it doesn’t take long for Major-General Sam ...

    15,75 €

  • The Maple Conspiracy
    William Begley
    What if Canada had fallen prey to a rearmed Germany in the 1930s? For Evan Macroy, a Royal Canadian Air Force military fighter pilot and intelligence adviser in Toronto, the very real threat of German intrusion catalyzes a mission of espionage, aviation, and international intrigue.The Maple Conspiracy tells the story of squadron leader Macroy who is travelling across the world ...

    33,22 €